Run In With Mr. Idiot

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Emily and I skipped to class with our arms locked. We started singing the song from the Wizard Of Oz "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ" we sang in unison, receiving curious and concerned glances as well as annoyed glares. We shook the looks off and finally reached class. Science again ugh I thought. I sat in the same seat as last time as Emily sighed at me and shook her head. I rolled my eyes but we soon were deep in conversation not realizing a certain boy was back again.

"Well Well what do we have here! I though I made it clear that this is my seat." The boy said.

"Well Well what do we have here! I thought I made it clear your not getting this seat back!" I said smirking.

"Listen here this is my seat and I'm getting it back!" He said angrily.

"You listen here Mr.Idiot you're not getting the seat back even over my dead body." I said coolly.

"Mr.Idiot?" He questioned confused.

"Yes Mr. Idiot do you have a problem with that!" I snarled back getting annoyed.

"Oh god Alex look what you did! You made Kirsty made again do you know how hard it is too cool down her temper!!!" Emily exclaimed annoyed that she would have to deal with me after this.

"Sorry Emmy I'll try to calm down later." I said giving her puppy eyes.

"Fine but Alex if she doesn't you can deal with that!" She finished.

"Oh no does Kitty have a temper?" He said tauntingly. I lost it then, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him up against the wall I went to punch him.

"KIRSTY CALM DOWN YOU CANT GET EXPELLED AGAIN AND WHAT ABOUT IVY!" Emily yelled. I sighed and dropped him. When I looked down I saw his shocked face as well as his friends shocked faces as well. Thankfully we were the only people in the classroom or that would have been harder to explain. I crouched down and pulled him by the collar to look at me.

"You tell anyone about this and I will do a lot more than throw you up against a wall you understand that?" I questioned angrily. He nodded his head quickly and I then stormed out with Emily on my tail. "Emily can we skip today?" She nodded and we headed to the car and back to my empty house.

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