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Kirsten's POV:
"Mr. Idiot has been really weird lately." I told Emily as I shoved food down my throat. She shuddered at my food covered face. So I very maturely stuck my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes but nodded at my statement.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing. He has been trying to get really close to you." She replied. I nodded.

"Should we be worried that he's working with Him??" I asked suddenly getting nervous. My nervousness pissed me off to no extent. I was sick and tired of His BS. Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. Emily and I looked at each other and cautiously made our way to the door. I opened the door and saw a note on the step but no one was there. I looked around and quickly snagged the note. Hurrying back in I quickly shut and locked the door.  The note read as follows:

   You can hide but you can't run from me. I won't let you girls escape me this time. You have a month to play but when it's up....well you'll find out won't you..
                    With Love,

Emily and I looked at each other in shock. The thoughts we both had collided together, how'd he find us, we need to be prepared, allies are essential, f**k him. We groaned in unison but didn't speak as we both knew what each other was thinking. Nodding at each other we headed to our separate rooms.

With the note still in hand I climbed over my bed and sat on the floor staring out the window. Eventually I feel asleep but don't quite remember doing so but since I woke up to the sound of my alarm I knew I drifted off.
I quickly changed and threw my note in my backpack so we could review it later. The two of us trudged out the door silently and made our way to school.  We made it to Science still too shocked to say anything. We blankly stared ahead the whole day. It was at the end of the day and Emily and I were rushing home so I didn't see the guy following behind me pick up a note that had fallen. Little did I know allies were coming soon.

Alex's POV:
I was following  behind Kirsten and Emily who were obviously in a hurry when a note fell from Kirsten's open backpack onto the ground. When I went to hand it to her she was gone. I read the note and froze. Who the hell was threatening her. My teeth clenched as I walked towards my gang. "Listen up," I said and the groups heads all turned to me. "Someone gave this note to Kirsten and Emily and we are going to find out who." I stated and watched as the confused boys nodded but thankfully stayed quiet.

Thus "J" guy better watch his back.

Okay I just found one thing I thought was funny. I came to edit and saw 16 reads on "Crushes" and 20 reads on "Alliances" are you guys drunk and skipping chapters 😂. Haha no but I just found that funny. I can't guarantee a chapter tomorrow cause I'm really busy on Tuesdays but I still love you all!!! BYE BYE

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