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Kirsten's POV:
"J stands for-" I started to say before BANG! Emily burst through the door with another boy in tow.

"Kirsty we need to go. You Know Who is threatening Them again." She urgently stated. I mumbled curse words under my breath.

"Alright then what are we waiting for! Let's go. Tell me all the details on the way. Is it a The Place?"I asked quickly walking out of the room and through the hallways. She followed behind.

She told me the whole story which I will briefly summarize. He had sent some goons to some people close to us. He had them taking to The Place and sent a message to Emily. He figured that Emily wouldn't tell me because she always thought she could handle everything. However He didn't anticipate that we had grown wiser and learned to not keep secrets. He wouldn't be there though at least he was using some of his brain.

We arrived at The Place. We walked into the abandoned building quietly. We heard screams of torture and followed them, to a room. We stopped outside the door for a second and listened. "I'm going to ask again, where are Kirsten and Emily." A gruff voice asked.

"Aww Chris I knew you missed me but torture really?" I asked stepping into the room with a smirk. He advanced on me and took a swing. However I had anticipated it and grabbed his arm and twisted it. He cried out in pain as I kicked him in the back of the knees. He landed on the ground and Emily came to tie him up. I moved on to the next goon. "Adam I think you're due for a turn. Don't you?" I asked him. He laughed. I smiled. We both walked to the middle and circled each other like we were in the ring again. Adam and I had a past and were friends until he betrayed me. He took the first swing and the fight started. We fought hard as Emily untied the victims. Eventually I got on-top and tied him up with Emily's help. We propped the tied goons up agains a cement wall.

"Tell Him this, we aren't scared of him anymore. If He touches another family member or friend of ours He's going to have bigger problems than finding us. Understood?" I asked giving them a pointed look. They nodded. I walked over to the two victims, Tori and Jessica close friends. "Are you guys ok?" I asked and they both nodded. We caught up with each other. "Guys I need you to go home and keep everyone safe. Tell Jake what happened and have him and Eliah be in charge. Make sure they know I said this and that if they don't comply I'll have to send a strong message. Ok?" I said and they nodded. We drove the two girls to the airport and sent them on their way.

"That was a long day." I sighed.

"Hell yeah it was. Also what were you and Alex doing in the empty classroom?" She asked and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"It was confusing and I'm not sure what to do." I replied perplexed.

"Ok well Mama Emily will make you some Hot Cocoa and we can talk." She said. I laughed and agreed.

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