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Kirsten's POV:
The whole first have of the day I saw Mr. Idiot and his "crew" lurking behind Emily and I. I finally had enough when they followed us to our lunch table, scaring of the rest of our "friends" (aka the people we sat with at lunch) "What the hell do you think your doing! You follow us around the whole day and then scare off all the people I actually don't hate!!!" My voice raising at the end of my sentence. I smacked my hand on the table in anger as I waited for him to say something. When he didn't reply I got more angry. "EXPLANATION NOW!!" I yelled furiously. He looked at me wide eyed and opened his mouth and then closed it. "You look like an f'n fish out of water." I said sitting down looking at him expectantly.

"Well actually I can't tell you the reason why I've been watching you..." He said not meeting my gaze. I rolled my eyes.

"So you've been stalking us for no reason???" I asked.

"No it's just....well you see....I can't exactly tell you." He replied before getting up from the table and walking away. I glared at the rest of the group making them gulp nervously.

"Would someone like to tell me what is going on???!" I asked looking them all in the eyes. The group avoided my stare and dropped their eyes to the ground. I growled annoyed with all of them before stomping off. Behind me I heard Emily talking to the boys, apologizing for me but saying we still needed the information. She followed after me.

"Dude calm down it's going to be ok. We will find out why he's watching us in time." She promised guiding me against the lockers to the floor.

"But what if it's Him! I can do that again! He told us to be prepared!" I said finally breaking down and crying. Between sobs I spit out, "he'!" I cried annoyed at myself.

Little did I know a certain boy had saw me and had begun a plot to figure out who He was. The boy's identity well that's a secret.

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