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Kirsten's POV:
You'd think it would be really hard for a threat from a guy who had tortured you would be hard to slip your mind. Apparently not though. My wake up call arrived in the form of a note.

3 weeks left. Have fun!
With Love,

"Emily!" I yelled up to her. She came running down the stairs.

"What! Are you ok? What happened!?" She asked searching me for injury.

"Physically I'm fine but we got another note from Him." I said handing her the note. She scanned it over and sighed.

"I think it's time we call up back up. We can call them and we can probably threaten Chris to let us use his lands to train." She planned.

"I don't think we should take everyone though that's way to many. Let's have Jake and Eliah find the best fighters and they can bring them. We can leave the third in commands in charge." I responded.

"Is third in command Jaqueline and Kane?" She asked and I nodded. "Ok that sounds good I'll go call up." She said and walked to the other room with her phone. A few minutes later she came back. "Jake and Eliah will come with the best fighters on Friday." She said.

"Sounds good. I would call Chris but I'd rather see him almost pee himself when we get there." I laughed evilly. She chuckled shaking her head. We both decided to chill and ended the day watching Disney movies. What? Don't judge us, we might be streetfighters and and the most feared ga- girls you'll ever meet but we still can watch Disney movies.

One night of peace before the next 3 weeks of constantly looking over your shoulder, checking locks, and training hard. It was going to take a lot of time and work but it would be worth it to take Him down. It was time to get ready.

This chapter is a little short sorry. We will have some progress on some relationships in the next chapters. LOVE YOU! BYE BYE!

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