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Alex's POV:
F*ckkkkkkk! Of course we are interrupted just when I'm about to learn who's hurting them. I sat at my desk head in hands. I felt hopeless, we would never be able to help. It just wasn't possible. Suddenly Matt came in. "Dude, Rick has some information I think you want to see." He said.

"Ok bring him in." I replied. He nodded and brought him. Rick was one of our spies so I knew it was probably something to do with new Intel.

"Boss I think I found something that might help you with figuring out who those girls." He said. That immediately intrigued me. I nodded for him to continue. "I was taking a walk in the woods and I saw this abandoned building. I decided to check it out to see if we could use it as a hideout. As I got closer I heard screaming and saw a car similar if not the one Kirsten and Emily drive. I immediately decided to check it out so I climbed up into one of the windows and stood on a platform outside. In the room there was two unfamiliar girls and two body guards who were yelling questions at the two girls and hitting them after no response. I was about to intervene when Kirsten burst the door and said something about to one of the guys about missing her and torture. The guy advanced on her and went to punch her. She grabbed his harm and had him on the ground in seconds. Emily tied him up when she went onto the second guy. She said something to him that made him laugh and her smile. They circled each other for a while and then full on streetfighting was happening. They were well matched but Kirsten took him down and Emily helped her tie him up. Emily had untied the girls at this point. They both put the guys against a wall and Kirsten said something to which both of them nodded. She turned to the other two girls and It looked like she ordered them to do something. Then I saw them were leaving so I hid and the girls left." He told me. It took me a second to process what he had said.

"So we know Kirsten and Emil are dangerous and could possible be leading something if they were ordering someone." I summarized. He nodded.  "Keep watching them we need to find out more." I ordered. "Don't intervene on any fighting though. We need to know if they can handle themselves well. Even if it pains us to watch them get hurt." I said wincing at the thought of Kirsten getting caught. He nodded and left. Matt stared at me.

"You like her don't you?" He asked smirking.

"I...uh...I.. No...what would make you say that?" I stuttered, scratching the back of my neck nervously. He chuckled at me.

"Surrrreeeee." He teased smiling. "And I hate cars." He joked. We both knew he loved cars. He laughed and left my office.
I don't like her. I just need Intel right? Yeah Intel... Then why did your gut wrench at the thought of her getting hurt? I groaned.

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