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Alex's POV:
I walked up to Jake and Eliah the seconds in command in the Ivy Grove gang. We shook hands but they looked anxious. "Is everything alright?" I asked. The looked at each other seeming to have a silent debate. Jake sighed.

"Our leaders were taken by Josh. Again." He spoke.

"Wait, are you telling me Kirsten and Emily run a GANG!?" I shouted, my voice rising at the end. This is impossible. Jake and Eliah nodded. Not only were Kirsten and Emily gang leaders but the strongest one in the country! "Wait what do you mean again?" I asked recalling Kirsten's face when she said she'd could handle more.

"That is their story to decide if they want to tell. Let's just say it screwed them up mentally for a while." Eliah said. My heart twisted and the thought of Kirsten being hurt. I sighed.

"What do you know about Josh? We don't know much because Kirsten and Emily avoid the topic like the plague." Jake asked.

"Josh... Well... Josh used to be a good guy. He ran the gang regularly. Suddenly he started acting a little strange and disappeared for quite some time. He came to talk to me a few weeks ago and asked if there was any new girls. I told him no because he had a real weird vibe to him. He seemed anxious and nervous. A few days ago he contacted me again to meet up with him and I saw Kirsten and Emily." I told.

"Okay, I think we better start planning to go get the girls." Eliah said.

A few hours later we had our plan and got all of the fighters from both gangs rounded up. We planned our attack and anxiously waited until tomorrow to carry it out.

Jake, Eliah, Matt, and I all piled into one car. I heard Jake and Eliah talking. "Dude she'll be fine!" Jake exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" Eliah asked nervously.

"Yes and then when we get them you two can have a make out session and get married!" Jake laughed out. I growled involuntarily. The three passengers burst out laughing at me.

"WHAT!" I asked annoyed.

"Chill we were talking about Emily, Kirsten is all yours!" Eliah said trying to contain his laughter.

At the same time Matt said, "Possessive much?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I lied.

"Sureeeeeee." They chorused. Matt sent me a small smirk that I glared at.

We reached our destination. The groups filed in formation with me at the front center. Weapons at the ready I kicked down the door.

I was getting my girl back.

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter but, I'm kind of putting these filler chapters in to build up to some important stuff! I just wanted to put this out soon since you guys have been asking. Thank you all for 30k+ reads! As well as 1k votes! I love you guys so much and appreciate your support so much! (Especially the comments!) LOVE YOU!! BYE BYE!!

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