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Kirsten's POV:
When I said all hell broke lose I meant it. The second he had said the words guns were drawn and shots were heard. The fight broke out and punches and gunshots were heard. We lost Josh in the crowd and were forced to fight off a huge group of ginormous goons. No
One was afraid however we had faced worst and we were all determined to win. Thankfully we all could take care of ourselves so no one was dragging behind. I was distracted while fighting off one goon and didn't see Josh standing behind me. I heard clapping as I brought the guy to his knees. Many men were down. "Good show Kirsten! Now I have a little negotiation to make with you and Emily." His voice boomed causing the fight to halt.

"And what would that negotiation entail?" I asked curious.

"Well you girls would come with me and no one else would be harmed." He stated and I laughed.

"Why the hell would I do that." I asked amused at his proposition.

"Well I have someone I think you would like to keep safe." He said mysteriously.

"And who would that be?" I asked curious.

"Well let's just say they are a mutual friend." He answered vaguely. That was all it took for my eyes to widen in realization. Emily and I looked at each other and sighed knowing what we had to do.

"Fine but on one condition no one else gets hurt understood?" I negotiated.

"Deal." He replied shaking my head. I heard the cries of displeasure from Jake and Eliah as well as from the fighters. Silencing them with a look I turned to the approaching goons.

That was how I let myself be kidnapped by a man who tortured me in for years. I was in store for hell and I sure knew it. You have to make sacrifices as a gang leader.

A. N:
Are you guys kidding me! 2k more in a day!! Also 400 favorites!!! What the hell! Thank you SOOO MUCH! 8k in what 2-3 weeks? Am I dreaming? Seriously though thank you all so much and sorry for the shorter chapter and lack of chapter yesterday. My sickness is finally gone and my writing abilities are returning! Again THANK YOU!! LOVE YOY!! BYE BYE!

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