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Kirsten's POV:
I heard a loud bang and Josh came rushing into our torture chamber. He grabbed us and shoved us into a hidden room. I had to keep myself from fighting back. I had to save my strength until I had a plan. This was a time to be logical not rash.  He left the room. So I waited and waited. The sound proofed room meant we couldn't hear anything and they couldn't hear us. The clock on the wall ticked and tocked continuously. Emily and I talked about how we could escape for a while, looking for any escapes out of the room that wouldn't bring attention to ourselves. We continued looking for escapes but couldn't find any.

Then somebody burst through the door. Emily and I quickly dropped into a sitting position to not draw attention to ourselves. A pair of grayish/blueish eyes meet mine. Instant recognition filled me as well as some other confusing emotions. "Alex?" I weakly asked, my throat dry from lack of water. He nodded looking concerned and came towards me. Eliah followed hot on his tail and rushed towards Emily. They began making out and both Alex and I locked eyes and blushed, looking away. "Did you kill Josh?" I asked nervously awaiting the answer.

Alex sighed. "No he was the only escapee." He said. I had mixed emotions. I wanted him dead but I wanted to kill him. I wanted to be the one to put the bullet through his head. I needed the satisfaction of putting him through pain too. I walked out of the small room and Emily joined me. We looked at each other and held hands. It was time to be leaders again. I down from the ledge in front of me, seeing our fighters and Alex's gang . They cheered up at us and I raised my hand to silence them.

"Fighters, and gang members thank you. Some of you know Emily and I's past and some of you don't. That's ok but I want to thank all of you for not letting us endure anymore. Emily and I will come back to lead our gang fully soon. But before that we are going to find Josh and kill him like he did to our families. Thank you." I spoke and stepped back. Alex closed the meeting and sent everyone back to base. Everyone hopped in there cars and Alex and I were left by ourselves in the final car.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he began driving.

"Yeah," I sighed "or I will be eventually." Silence filled the car.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Alex blurted out and then blushed realizing what he asked. "I'm sorry you-uh-you-um don't have to answer that." He stuttered out, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I held in a laughter. He looks so cute when he's flustered. I thought. Wait cute! What am I thinking? Kirsten pull yourself together.

"I do not and have never had one." I answered honestly. I didn't have time for boys growing up and my older brother wasn't any help. Let's say you didn't want to mess with my older brother unless you wanted a death sentence. Much less look at his little sister and call her hot. That poor jock. I though silently laughing at the poor boy who tried that and didn't look too pretty the next day.

Alex looked surprised by this but nodded. The car jolted to a stop in front of a stop sign making Alex's and mine brush together, sending shocks up my arm. Kirsten get it together you sound like such a cliche girl in a book. I thought annoyed with myself. Yet there was a part of me who was happy with the contact. We kept driving and stopped in front of Alex's base. I turned to say goodbye while he turned to say the same and our lips brushed sending more sparks through me. We jumped apart both blushing madly and scrambled out of the car. We walked into the building with red cheeks and many sent us confused looks and sent us knowing smirks.

Emily looked at me a winked at me. I rolled my eyes at the gesture. Alex and I went our separate ways not looking at each other in the eyes.

"Does little Kirsty have a crushy wushy?" She cooed in a singsong voice, teasing me. I laughed and shyly denied it.

I wasn't aware that a crest an someone was having a similar conversation with his best friend Matt.

Hi! I'm sorry for not updating but I'm super busy this week. I will try to update soon but it's difficult for me to find time and have an idea. I don't know if you guys are aware but I don't plan my chapters at all. Sometimes I have vague ideas but most of the time I start typing and see what's it takes me so getting inspired can be hard. I'm in no way complaining and I'm lucky that I have an outlet to write on and readers like you guys so thank you. Also thank you for 45K!!! That's insane and I swear I was literally just at 1k like a week ago. (I practically was😂) thank you!! LOVE YOU!! BYE BYE!!

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