Investigation Begun

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Alex's POV:
Who the hell is that girl? The thought ran through my mind the whole day. "Matt?" I asked my second in command sitting next to me.

"What Alex??" He asked.

"Tell Luke to find out who the new girl is" I said. Luke was the Hacker of the gang, it should be a piece of cake for him to find out about one girl.

"Yes sir." He said and he left to ask Luke who was sitting off in the library as usual on his laptop. This damn girl has been plaguing my thoughts since our first meeting. She was the first girl who had talked back to me in this school with no fear. The first girl to not comply to my wishes. The first girl who wasn't begging at my knees for attention. Yet the first girl who caught my attention without trying. Who the hell did this girl think she was taking back to me, Alex Packlon the highly feared leader of The Pack. I had no idea how to react.

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