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Kirsten's POV:
Training time was ending quickly. We had a week left. A week to prepare for our worst nightmare. A week to face our past.

Mr. Idiot tried to get me to talk to him but I wouldn't allow it. How could I let a person know me when I was about to face all of my fears and possibly die? That's not all I couldn't let any guy in after the incident. The only guys I let in were the guys in my ga- group. The sad part was is that I almost let Alex in. I almost allowed him to know but then He had to ruin things again. Just when I'm about to share my past He has to take charge again. I couldn't risk telling Alex anything. Hopefully he didn't find out. That was a stretch though considering he was a leader of a powerful gang I was surprised he hadn't already heard of me. Let's keep it that way.

My thoughts kept drifting to Alex and I don't know why. Alex get the f*ck out of my head! I thought over and over. My thoughts were interrupted when I got a call from Jake.

"Hey Boss, can you go pick up Jace for training I'm busy with the fighters." He asked.

"Emily and Eliah can't why?" I asked him annoyed.

"They went out on a "run" together. They said they just wanted to look at the surroundings but you and I both know better." He said lightly laughing at the end. I chuckled.

"Can those two just like date already!" I asked.

"Hopefully soon it's annoying that they don't see each other's feelings. What about you and Alex?" He asked slyly.

"What about Alex and I?" I questioned not sure where he was going with that.

"I vote for Kalex!" He said suddenly.

"WHAT! Why we don't even talk to each other." I replied.

"Yet." He muttered.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I demanded.

"And I thought Emily and Eliah were oblivious!" He cried.

"What are you on about Jake!"

"I'm pretty sure a certain gang leader likes you!" He said.

"Jake you are absolutely ridiculous! What a foolish thing....." He cut off my rant by hanging up. "Coward." I muttered and got ready to pick Jace up. When I see Jake he's going to get an earful. I thought. Obviously Alex doesn't like me. Then why could all I think about was if he did? Why did I feel so sad about him not?

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