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Alex's POV:
BEEL BEEP! F*** my life. I thought when I heard my alarm clock go off. Who is the person who decided to have school this early in the morning! After groaning for about five minutes I got up. Throwing on some random clothes, I left to go to school.

I went to science to be met by that girl Kirsten not even sparing me a glance as she went to her/my seat.  I decided to let it go do to the worried look her and her friend shared. WAIT! Did I not do something because of how someone else feels? No no that's impossible I'm just bored with her right! bored.....bored... I took a seat next to Matt and we started talking. Yet I couldn't focused my thoughts kept drifting to Kirsten. What is she hiding? Why is she so worried? Wait did I just remember her name? That's a first...SNAP SNAP! I came back from my trance when Matt snapped his fingers in front of me with a concerned face. "Dude are you okay? You seem distance." He said.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about it." I replied. He nodded and droned on about his recent conquests including the school's popular cheerleader, Mia. Let's just say she slept around quite a bit. I focused on listening to him but I couldn't get as interested as I usually was. That was odd for me considering Matt's stories about girls always interested me. Finally classes started so I had something else to focus on. Despite being a bit of a bada** I still needed to get good grades to be respected. You need to be smart to be a good leader despite popular belief about gang leaders. As I was exiting class when I heard someone keep mumbling to themselves the phrase "be prepared". I turned to look and saw the mumbler was Kirsten. I stayed quiet as she brushed past me. What did she need to be prepared for and why did she seem so nervous about it? I thought confused. The whole day I couldn't focus, thinking about the girl who was mumbling.

Be Prepared

A.N: I know this chapter is isn't the best but, it all building up to something don't worry. These chapter are important to the plot line I promise. BYE BYE

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