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Alex's POV:
Quickly! C'mon hurry up Alex. I though as I heard foot steps come closer. Got it! I said as I finished copying the film of Kirsten. I heard the feet get closer so I hid under the desk. Someone cleared there throat. "Alex can I ask what you are doing under that desk?" Mr. Finel our principal asked.

Thankfully I was quickly able to come up with a lie. "Yeah I saw one of the screws on Ms. Swanson's desk chairs loss and I assumed it was a prank and I wouldn't want her to get injured so I fixed it." I replied keeping my cool. He looked quizzically at me then sighed.

"Ok but try not to touch other people things ok?" He asked and walked to his office.  I grabbed the flash drive with the file on it and left.

"Luke?" I asked and he looked up from his laptop. "Figure out why Kirsten was doing with this kid and try to make out what they say please." I said handing him the flash drive. He nodded and went to work.

About an hour later Luke called me. "Boss I figured it out." He said.

"Ok bringing it to my office and we can talk about it." I replied hanging up. A few moments later he showed up.

"Alright well it seems as if she's threatening him. I couldn't make out all of it because of the school sh*tty microphones but it seems as if she tells him to bring a messages to some guy named Chris. They also talk about snakes and refer to a group called The Hissers. I dug and found that the Hissers is a small gang that mostly stays to itself. She talks about making the Chris guy and I quote "pissed his pants". She then says 3 days and that if not some guys called Jake and Eliah will pay a visit to them. She's involved in something and has power I'm just not sure what." He summarizes.

"Look for any gang related leaders they have a relation to a girl called Kirsten. She might be going under a fake name but that's undetermined yet. If no one then look for powerful leaders and see if we can find a match." I request. He nods and leaves.

Kirsten we are going to find out who you are at some point. I thought. That's really creepy Alex don't phrase it like that. I realized.

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