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Kirsten's POV:
"Kirsten?" He asked looking at me. I nodded not trusting my voice. I heard clapping.

"Kirsten you just have to ruin everything don't you? Every time I do anything you have to know someone or mess it up don't you?" Josh yelled angrily. I laughed bitterly.

"It's my fault huh? I don't remember asking to be kidnapped and tortured for a year and a half! I don't remember asking to see mine and Emily's families die in front of us!" I yelled back angry. Alex's face looked shocked and Emily looked like she was lost in thought.

"What are you talking about Kirsten? Josh is that what you've been doing all these years! Torturing innocent girls?"
Alex asked. Josh was silent and I snorted.

"Innocence yeah right." I muttered under my breath. Alex head snapped to me and looked at me in confusion. I sighed he didn't know who I really was. Josh chuckled.

"Ah poor Alex, little Kirsten didn't let you in on her secret did she? She isn't the most trusting anymore." Josh said.

"And whose fault is that Josh?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Well you can't place the blame on me can you? I was only protecting your best interest. Couldn't have you be naive and thinking you were invincible could we?" He stated. I grimaced at the thought of the pain I went through.

"Well I'm not naive anymore and this girl has some tricks up your sleeve." I said vaguely.

"Well I can't say I expected an easy escape. You are Kirsten." He added thoughtfully. I agreed with him as Alex watched the exchange confused.

"What are you both talking about? Kirsten who are you?" Alex asked.

"Well this meeting has come to end. Alex we will meet up again soon but I have some business to attend to." Josh said ending the meeting. Alex looked at me as if seeing if he could leave me. He looked as if he was having a mental debate.

"Alex I'll be fine. Emily and I endure a year and a half we can endure a few days." I reminded and he shook his head but left.

Let the torture begin.

The chapter is a little short but I hope you all enjoyed it and it momentarily satisfied you. I will update soon I promise. Don't forget to comment and THANK YOU FOR 10K!!! I honestly don't know how to thank you enough so hopefully the chapters I produce will be enough. I have so much gratitude towards anyone who reads my books so THANK YOU! Also don't forget to leave comments as they motivate me to write. THANK YOU! LOVE YOU! BYE BYE!

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