The Ring

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DING DING DING! The bell went off signaling the fight. This guy was so cocky! UGH! Obviously he's new here. He said some sexist things about women to which the crowd laughed at him. He apparently thought they were laughing with him because he smirked. IVY IVY IVY! The crowd cheered urging me on. I waited till the guy made his first move, a sloppy punch to the left side of my head. I quickly grabbed his hand before he could hit, pushing it backwards. I the used my other hand to send a punch to his gut. He hunched over, I then need him in the face and heard a crunch of a bone breaking. Possibly the nose. I thought to myself. He began to stand but I sent a kick to his stomach sending him backwards and onto the ground. I leaped at the chance an straddled him sending punches to the face. After a few punches he hit placed his hand to his chest the signal of him tapping out. I stood up and walked out of the ring surrounded by cheers. I mad my way through the crowd to Emily who had gathered my money from the fight. She was also my manager who went under the fake name Jessica when acting as a manager. She had participated in a couple fights here and there and always won but left most of the fighting to me. I had made $10,000 today and the both of us agreed to head home early.

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