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Kirsten's POV:
SMACK! SMACK! The whip came across our backs. I looked over at Emily who was next to me. Pain slowly seeping through her expression. We were trying so hard to keep it together. Unshed tears were in our eyes and screams were stuck in our throats. Yet through the blur of tears I saw the same chilling smile of a psychopath.

That was only the beginning of the torture we faced. Knives where dragged down old scars. Joker-esc smiles were mirrored by ever person. "SCREAM! SCREAM!" They chanted over and over as they leered at us, knives in hand. We stayed quiet, not voicing our pain. Sickening laughter was heard behind us after every cut, whip, and blow were given. Our resolve was slowly crumbling. I had begun to enter my old weak mindset. I hated it. I needed to be strong. I needed to be the best. Yet right now I couldn't. I couldn't fight back. I couldn't be strong. That added to the torture.

After hour and hour of torture they left. We slumped to the ground. I crawled toward Emily and we wrapped our arms around each other's weakened bodies. We let out body shaking sobs. Crying out our pain together.

Let us out of this Hell.

Alex's POV:
Kirsten's face played over and over in my mind as I paced my office. A look of acceptance crossed her face as she spoke about the torture. The mere thought of her being hurt killed me. Alex what are you doing! You could get her out! Talk to Josh! My mind chanted. However, Josh and the girls had some connection and I knew that he wouldn't let them go easily. "Matt!" I called. He walked into my office. "Call up the Ivy Grove gang we need help." I ordered and he nodded.

I would get them out of that Hell.

Sorry for the lack of chapters recently. Anyways hope you liked it! Also 12k WHAT?!! Thank you all so much. Like this is kind of weird but I keep thinking xx_Grimes_xx is just like playing a joke on me and like messed up my reads.😂😂LOVE YOU!! BYE BYE!

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