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"WHAT THE HELL EMMY!" I yelled jumping up from my bed. She had dumped water onto me.

"You looked too comfortable and I couldn't let that happen on a Monday could I?" She asked grinning.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"7:00." She replied calmly.

"7:00!!!! NOOO I ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTES I HATE YOU!" I yelled jumping up and running to my closet. She laughed and walked out of my room. I quickly through on a pair of cuffed jeans and a back and white striped shirt along with some red vans. I ran downstairs while throwing my hair up in a bun. I muttered to myself while throwing everything I needed into my bag. Grabbing a bar I yelled "let's go Emmy!" We finally got in the car and sped off to school.

Because we had been running late I didn't think I would get my seat in Science. Luckily however, Mr. Idiot is worse then the white rabbit in Alice and Wonderland. When he walked in I snickered at the thought of him singing "I'm late I'm late I'm late for an important date!" However he didn't sing and I was disappointed. He shot me a glare but I guess decided not to argue with the seating arrangements and sat with his "crew".

The first half of the day carried on smoothly until lunch. Unfortunately the people we normally sit with weren't there so Emily and I sat at the table by ourselves until someone decided to make a visit. "Aww if it isn't Kitty" I heard a deep voice say behind me.

"Ugh it's as if Mr. Idiot just can't stay away from my charming personality huh?" I asked winking.

"You wish." He retorted sitting down across from us with a bunch of guys.

"I don't believe I would wish an annoying brat on myself but believe what you must." I stated taking a bite of my sandwich. "Now why the hell are you here and when are you leaving?" I asked wanting him gone.

"Wow I feel your love don't hold back. For your information I'm not leaving just yet." He replied and I groaned.

"Why won't you leave!!!!" I whined stomping my foot childishly.

"I just have some questions." He said

"I don't have answers so I'll be leaving" I replied getting up. He grabbed my arm preventing me from going any further. While I could break it within 2 seconds I couldn't have anyone knowing about my abilities so I refrained. "If you don't let go of me we are going to have major issues." I said through gritted teeth. 

He let go but not before calling out "you're going to have to talk to me sometime." I stormed out of the cafeteria with Emily hot on my tail.

"He's annoying but don't do anything you'll regret." She said catching up with me.

"Annoying is an understatement." I replied and we skipped the rest of the day.

The Streetfighter Stole the Badboy's SeatWhere stories live. Discover now