Be Prepared

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*Yes we are finally back to our regularly scheduled programming*

Kirsten's POV:
We need to find out who is looking for us. I thought..then least it's not Him. I shuddered at the thought of Him. I will not let him do that again. I vowed refusing to let my fearful thoughts come back. "Kirsty!" Emily yelled breaking me from my train of thought. I looked up at her nodding for her to continue. "Let's go we are going to be late." She responded heading towards the door.

"What, where are we going?" I asked confused. She rolled her eyes.

"To The Meeting." She responded continuing to walk. F!!!! I thought. I followed after her jumping into the car.

"Why do They want to see us?" I asked emphasizing They.

"I don't know but they asked and promised no harm would come to us so I agreed to hear them out." She said.

"Yeah we know how well they keep their promises." I mumbled shaking my head. She shook her head and sighed but said nothing. We eventually pulled into a long creepy looking driveway. Too many painful memories filled my head. We continued to drive down the dirt road and ended at a seemingly abandoned wooden house. Memory after memory filled my head. Shaking it off I got out off the car and the two of us walked in together. I scanned the room of familiar faces around the table until my eyes rested on Him. My eyes widened. As he looked at me with his gross beady eyes. His hair slick with grease and a creepy smirk played on his face. Curse word after curse word fell into my thoughts but I focused on keeping a passive and calm face not giving him a reaction to satisfy him. The meeting went by smoothly except for Him staring at Emily and I the whole time. When it ended everyone began to file out one at a time. Emily was in front of me and He was behind me. I was about to head to the car when I heard him whisper.

"Tried to escape didn't you?" He asked. I stayed silent as he continued. "Be prepared." He added before slinking away. I entered the car where both of us were silent.

Be prepared. Echoed in my mind repeatedly giving me no peace.

                   Be Prepared

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