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Okay another note from the author yes these are annoying but come on I wrote 4 chapter today plus an outline! I just have one simple request. Can you please go check out xx_Grimes_xx ? She's a really good friend of mine (IRL) and her work is really good. Now I know I don't exactly have a ton of people reading but I thought I might ask because it's a really good Walking Dead book called Found. I recently just helped her with a chapter cause I'm a great person *cue perfect child smile*. Also I don't watch Walking Dead (please don't murder me) and I really enjoy the book. I understand that these are annoying but I will love you forever if you check it out. Okay back to the regularly scheduled programming. See you in the next chapter which if not tomorrow I will try have a couple ready as well as a couple pre readied if that makes sense. BYE BYE

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