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Kirsten's POV:
"Yeah Keep them off please...thanks I think I know who it I promise.....ok ok I won't....tell them I say Hi and I plan on visiting at some point....tip-top shape understood? Bye Mikey." I ended the phone call. F*ck why can't they just give up! Mikey had called to tell us that the alarm had been set off. Someone *cough cough* Alex *cough cough* was trying to figure out who we were. We more specifically me because my name was searched. I grabbed my keys it was time to tell them to stop. I sneaked out so Emily wouldn't catch me. She wouldn't be happy if she knew what I was doing.

I drove to The Pack's base, let's just say I had connections to find it. I parked and immediately people surrounded my car. "Chill I'm just her to talk to Alex." I announced.

"Who the hell are you!?" A voice spoke from the crowd.

"Well that's not any of your business is it bud?" I replied stepping out if the car. Guns were pulled and I rolled my eyes. "Jesus Christ," I mumbled. "Calm yourselves. If you don't believe me then go get Alex and tell him Kirsten needs to talk to him." I ordered. One of the guys left the group to get him. I stood there in silence observing the grounds. Not to shabby but not as good as my.. I was pulled out of my thoughts.

"Kirsten why the hell are you here!" A familiar face called walking towards me.

"Jace?? Is that you?" I asked looking at the man. His features looked older and happier since the last time I had saw him.

"The one and only!" He said cockily. I chuckled.

"Definitely you." I said. We hugged. "How'd you end up here last time I saw you, you were on death beds!" I asked seeing an image of him bloody and bruised.

"Had to make a comeback didn't I?"

"Always, the Drama Queen can't die like that!" I teased.

"Now why the hell are you here?!" He asked.

"Well I came to tell Alex to-" I began before I was rudely interrupted.

"Tell Alex what?" A deep voice said behind me.

"Speak of the Devil. I would rather talk to you in private about this." I said. He nodded and lead me into his office. He sat in his chair and motioned for me to sit but I declined.

"What did you need to tell me?" He questioned.

"Stop having your hackers look us up!" I began. He looked taken aback. "I don't need another person snooping in my business. I'm fine by myself and have back up when I need it. Stop following me, acting nice to get information, and watching out for me. Understood?" I stated.

"No." He replied shortly. "You can't tell me what to do and you need help. I can't have people threatening other gangs and staying on my land." He looked at my confused face. "Yeah try not to threaten people on camera next time." He answered. His eyes bore into mine.

"Stay out of my business. We all have secrets we can't share. Stop trying." I said and left.

Hey one of my Best Friends xx_Grimes_xx is working on her second book in her Found Series. I make a debut which is really cool! The book is called Broken (A Carl Grimes Fanfic) The second book of the Found Series. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT!! LOVE YOU GUYS AND BYE BYE!!

IK I'm being needy sorry! But remember to comment! They really make my day! Ok for real now BYE BYE!

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