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Kirsten POV:
I felt like every nerve and cell in my being was on edge. My intestines were knotted together. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Every sound sent me into a breakdown. Every passing stranger had me alert. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. What else is there to do? This isn't exactly a Wild West movie where He had told us when to meet and we drew are guns, back to back and walked forward and then turned around and shot. No this was reality. I wouldn't be notified when or where he would be.

24 hours ticked by and the day arrived. Throughout school someone was definitely watching us. Emily and I were both alert, watching everything and everyone. School ended and Emily and I bolted home. We paced back and forth for hours.

A note slipped under the door.
It's time! You can't hide any longer. One hour, backup, the field. See you soon.
With Love,

Emily and I looked at each other but said nothing. I called up Jake and the guys and told them to meet us and about what was happening. The two of us quickly changed and geared up. Putting on brave faces we opened the door to be met with the guys. We nodded at each other and got into the cars. Speeding off we made it to the field. The atmosphere was eery and haunting.

No one was at the field yet. We waited for a while cautiously looking around at our surroundings.

A bunch of cars peeled into the dirt area in front of the field, kicking up a bunch of dust. Out of one of the cars came the voice that sent shivers down my spine. "Girls I've missed you! How have my favorite gang leaders been?" He asked opening his car door. His beady eyes met mine and he sent me a slimy smirk that filled me with disgust.

"We aren't scared of you anymore Josh. In case you forgot we are some pretty bad***  gang leaders. Obviously someone didn't do there research well did they?" I replied already fed up with his attitude.

"Oh darling you always underestimate me. Out of curiosity how's you back? And your stomach..oh and your wrist...and of course your legs... And how could I forget your neck?" He asked giving me a sly smirk as he listed all of the places he tortured me. I glowered at him.

    All hell was about to break loose.

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