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Kirsten's POV:
"WHAT!!" I yelled freaking out at Emily's findings. Someone was trying to find out about us. Emily and I had quite a backstory filled with a lot of secrets so, we had a good friend of ours set up an alarm for us when someone was looking for us. "Do you thinks it Him?" I asked not wanting to use his name.

"No the person looking for us is much more talented on computers than him. The person knows what they are doing unlike him and his goons." She replied trying to calm me.

"Ok who do we think it is,"I asked "Are we able to find out?"

"We should be but let me ask Mikey." She replied grabbing her phone to call the one who set up the alarm. "Ayyy my little hacker..........*laughter* yeah yeah I need a favor........can you figure out who set off the alarm?.......I'm not sure.......Thanks.....tell me when you've discovered more this is dangerous!" She then ended the phone call and turned to me. "He's on the lookout but, let's go do something!" She exclaimed.

"Fine but what?" I replied.

"SHOPPING!" She yelled excitedly as I groaned. For a girl who could hold her own in fights she was a total girly girl sometimes.

Okay so I just wanted to make it clear I'm not trying to OFFEND ANYONE with the part about being able to fight and still be a girly girl. I want to make sure no one is offended because it's isn't really offensive or at least intended to be. Anyways let's continue and see what happens in the next chapter! *Cue evil laughter for having all the powers* :)

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