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Kirsten's POV:
I was exiting class when a guy shoved me. I was about to yell when a snake tattoo peeked out of his collar. A Hisser I thought. I could use a favor. This should be fun. I laughed internally. I roughly grabbed him. "A snake tattoo huh? Interesting choice." I commented. He smirked. Thankfully the hallways were cleared by now.

"Yeah assuming from your reaction you already know what that means." He suggests cockily.

"Care to enlighten me?" I asked stringing him along.

"Sure. You know the Hissers are a pretty feared group so I suggest you stop harassing me." He replied arrogantly. I was done playing.

"Interesting I wouldn't go around saying you are "a pretty feared group" last time I checked your poor little leader Chase just about pissed his pants when he saw me." I replied laughing at the memory.

"Yeah and who exactly are you?" He asked trying to play it cool.

"Me? Well I'm Kirsten. I don't think last names are necessary due to the look on your face." I said smirking. He looked shocked. "Now run along and do me a favor. Tell Chase I need a few things from him. If he doesn't want to comply well....let's say Jake and Eliah can have a visit. 3 days max until I get a call. Understood." I asked. He nodded and I released him. I heard laughter behind me.

"*laughs* Kirs- *laughs* ten *laughs* I thought *laughs* he was gonna *laughs* pee himself! *falls into fit of laughter*" Emily said. I laughed.

"Those Hissers really need to be potty trained huh?" I asked chuckling. She agreed. "I guess we better get going then." I said and we linked arms and skipped down the hall- no I'm kidding that's too cliché.

Well I guess a stereotypical teenager would say fate is against me but well I said f*ck when I found out. A certain leader of The Pack just so happened to have been in the office and next to the cameras. Those cameras just so happened to catch an exchange between the Hissers and myself.

Yep I'm Screwed

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