Sparks Fly

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Kirsten's POV:
Our lips brushed sending sparks flying. We pulled apart and both shyly looked to the ground. I heard a muffled sneeze and looked up to see Emily and Matt trying to contain their excitement. I began laughing at the looks on their faces. Alex looked at me confused and then followed my line of sight. He began to laugh with me. The duo noticed we saw them and sent us a mix of smug and sheepish grins.

"Well it appears we have an audience!" I exclaimed to Alex.

"It does. Should we put on a show?" He asked theatrically.

"Why definitely." I agreed and he leaned in for another kiss. We kissed again and the cliche fireworks went through my skin. I broke off breathlessly. The other two had disappeared to their respected room and partner.

I looked up at Alex and saw him looking at me. My usual confidence was gone and I wasn't sure what to do. So I did possibly the worst thing to do. I uh well I ran. I heard Alex run after me calling my name. Due to his longer frame he quickly caught up to me and lightly grabbed my wrist.

"Kirsty, what's wrong?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"I'm not sure how I feel or how to feel." I answered quietly feeling embarrassed. He lifted my chin to make me look into his eyes.

"It's ok. I don't know either. We just met a few weeks ago, you were kidnapped, and we both keep a lot of secrets. I understand and I'm just asking for a chance to meet the real you. Not the overprotective angry you." He answered. His voice soothed me and I began to feel better.

"I agree let's try again. We can both know the real person underneath the gang leader facade." I said.

I'm sorry this took so long and is short. I'm having a case of writers block! I know where I want this to go but not how to get there. I'm working on it. Also when this books is done I will be editing all chapters and fixing them to my liking cause some of the first chapters are plain bad. Thank you for sticking with my BS I appreciate it beyond belief.  I think I will try to update at least 2 times a week maybe more and some longer chapters but at least 2 a week. Thank you did understanding and being so supportive. LOVE YOU!! BYE BYE!!

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