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Alex's POV:
WHO THE HELL IS HE!!! I thought angrily. Why does he make her cry! She's so strong yet she looked so fragile at that moment... I wondered. Why do I care so much about her crying....I thought confused. In the back of my head I heard because you like her. No I don't! I'm just intrigued....right??? "UGHHHHHH" I cried slamming my fist on the desk in anger. I leaned back on my office chair annoyed with myself. Why do you like her it's not like she likes you back. That's true I haven't exactly been kind to her. It's just a crush and nothing more....but Alex Packlon doesn't have crushes he has girls that throws themselves at him. True but contrary to popular belief I don't sleep around with girls. I've been taught to be more respectful then that. I refused to end up like my father. I spit in disgust at the thought of him. He crushed mom by cheating on her and sleeping around. After that I promised not to sleep with anyone until marrying them. Yet for some reason everyone thinks I sleep with a ton of girls and rather then correct them I just let it happen. I don't have time for that bull****. Back to Kirsten I thought. Always back to Kirsten. I will find out who hurt her and when I do we will have some issues. I vowed promising to not let this girl get hurt. Her blue eyes and dirty blond hair came to mind immediately. I sighed but smiled at the thought of her. Then her tear stained face entered my train of thought and I growled in anger. Someone is going to die for that.

I finally came to realize my crush for her. I won't let her get hurt.

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