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Kirsten's POV: 
Weird feelings would rush through me when Alex and I caught each other's glances. I kept myself busy meeting up with a few gang members I missed. Ashly and Calum where now engaged! Which I was excited about since they were close friends and I kind of expected it eventually. With engagements, dating couples, and Emily whispering "crushy wushy" in my ear every time Alex walked by (this was often too!). I couldn't take my mind fully off the idea of him. When my mind had a moment to think it would wander straight to his tall but lean figure, blue/gray eyes, wavy brown hair that looked so soft, touchable, and made me want to run my hands through it while I kis- Kirsten what are you thinking!! Pull yourself together you can't have these thoughts! You already were weak enough when being captured you don't need to be a cliche girly mess now. I thought and sighed.

The day went on and everyone was sent home except for the leaders and second in commands. Emily and I decided to stay because Josh was still on the loose and he knew where we lived us. Eliah and Jake stayed because Eliah wanted to stay with Emily. Then Alex and Matt were there because well they lived there. Everyone was going to be given a tour by Matt but I declined and stood looking out over one of the balconies.

I closed my eyes thinking about that all that had happen with Josh. I was lost in my own world and didn't hear the footsteps or feel the tears running down my cheeks. A soft warm hand wiped away the tears and pulled me into there muscular chest. I knew it was Alex and as much as my mind protested against crying in front of him and being that close to him. I couldn't stay strong any longer and I sobbed, welcoming the warmth and comfort he gave me. I stayed there for what seemed like hours but was probably only a few minutes.

Eventually he gently lifted my chin up, making me look up at him. He wiped all the tears away as I looked into his dazzling eyes. We locked eyes and I felt as though I entered a trance. Then something unexpected and expected happened.

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger (though I'm not really 😬). Anyways I just wanted to let you know that I'm not sure how often I will be able to update this week due to I will be away for a while. I will try to write drafts and publish them when I'm back. I'm super sorry!! Thank you for 60k!! You guys are crazy!!! LOVE YOU!! BYE BYE!!

       If you have any good books (besides the ones I have in my libraries on my profile) please tell me so I can find some good ones to read in the car. Thanks!

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