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Alex's POV:
"That's is interesting." I commented. Apparently the Ivy Grove gang was in the area and there leaders just happened to be absent. Now as much as I wanted to believe Emily and Kirsten were innocence my hope was fading. The group agreed to help quickly after hearing our story. That did not stop my curious thoughts. The second problem was Josh. What has he become? How did this happen? Why is he like this? Questions floated around in my mind. I still don't see the connections.

Kirsten's POV:
The torture had ended for the second day and we were left alone with our thoughts once again. My mind suddenly decided to give me a montage of how we started all of this.

The sun shone on the abandoned building my gang and co-leader was in. It was time for a meeting to talk about our progress and missions. I'm not going to pretend our gang only did stuff for the good of the community. We are a gang not a police force. I talked about the coming up drug trade and the recent weapon upgrades. Emily dismissed the meeting and we went to our next meeting with Josh, an rising gang leader. I walked into my office to see him already sitting there. Emily began questioning him about an alliance/treaty. He seemed good and I had a few hackers do background checks. He came out clear and we accept a few days later. From then on things were pretty calm for us. The drug trades ran smoothly and everything was running well, or so we thought. While we were good leaders Emily and I were still naive young girls. We trusted Josh a little too easily because we were excited about making our first treaty. A few months passed and we were attacked by Josh. While his gang was strong we were stronger.  Both groups fought hard and many lives were lost. Josh was forced to surrender and retreated but not before promising to come back. And he did. We had time to rebuild and up or security but Josh came back with a strong threat. He took Emily and I's family captive. He told us to come with him or he would kill them. The two of us went and were tortured yet he drilled killed our family. My mother, father, and brother were killed in front of us. Emily's mom, dad, and sister were brutally murdered after while sitting in my families blood. I will never forget the screams followed by silence. The sound of death. The feeling of knowing someone died in front of you. Seeing the life leave there body. It didn't stop there. We were beaten daily sometimes hourly. Finally we escaped and went into hiding leaving Jake and Eliah in charge. A year later we ended up at a high school and I so happened to steal a badboys seat. I can only hope that certain badboy can make some connections and my gang can help.

Sorry for the lack of chapters recently I've been extremely busy with school related things. I'm
sorry for keeping you waiting I hate waiting for a book myself and I apologize profusely. Thank you for 20k!!!! It's incredible and unbelievable to me! I don't know how to say thank you enough and it's probably getting extremely repetitive so sorry. One other quick thing. Apparently one of you guys messages xx_Grimes_xx about her promoting her book in a comment. I wanted to let you all know the xx_Grimes_xx (Emma) is one of my best friend and I often help her when she writes so I said she could. Also she said it in a joking manner in the comment. However I am not upset at the person who did it. It's not ok for anyone to promote there book on someone else's unless they have permission or something of that sort. Thank you for looking out for me! LOVE YOU!! BYE BYE!!

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