Not a Chapter *SORRY*

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Hello! Sorry this is not an update. I understand if you are just going to skip it so if you are then goodbye! See you in the next chapter!! Ok so anyways I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. I began this book a few weeks ago and today I saw I'm at 213 in romance! That is absolutely insane to me! The number dropped from 746 to 213 in a matter of days. That is crazy!! Also from 1k to almost 15k in a week or so. That is absolutely ridiculous and amazing! Thank you to everyone! Especially those who comment and vote and all of that support! Thank you all! I don't know how I could ever thank you all because honestly I thought I would get 2 reads😂. I love all of you guys! THANK YOU! LOVE YOU!! BYE BYE!!

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