Waking up

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My eyes opened to the beautiful morning sunshine. I smiled and turned around in my bed. He smiled at me instantly, with his beautiful grin. "Morning baby." he whispered in my ear. I bit my lip and climbed on top of him looking in his eyes. "Morning." I leaned down and kissed him slowly. He put his hands on my bare hips, and pulled me closer to him. "Fuck baby, you make me hard" He moaned. I smiled and said, "that's not all I make you do"
He dug his fingetnails into my hips and ground me into his. We sat there for a second, looking into each others eyes. "I love you" he whispered ever so slightly. He put his hand on my neck and pulled my face to his. A tear came down my face. He loved me? Nobody had ever loved me before....
He pulled back. "Why are you crying baby? Did I say...oh. Was it the I love you thing?" I nodded. He wiped my tear away. "I'm not crying in a bad way. In a good way. It's just that....no one has ever loved me before....and its such a shock...you know?" I laughed a little. I looked at the bed and frowned. "You don't feel the same way for me?" He asked. I jerked my eyes up to his. "Of course I do."I touched his face. "Then say it" he said. I put my head on his. "I love you." I said. "Always" he smiled, and kissed me. He pulled back. "Good now get dressed." I hopped off him. "Why?" He looked at me and smiled. "Because we are going to dinner." I laughed. "Whatever." He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him. I was shorter than him. I went to his chest. So he had to look down at me. "Wear something nice. Slutty but nice." I laughed and looked at the ground. How could a guy like this love a girl like me? He pulled my face up and kissed me. "I love you. And I'll see you at 8:30 I got to go. I'll be back later." I smiled and gave him one more quick kiss, having to get on my tippy toes. "Well I'm going to take a shower. I love your shower." I skipped my way to the bathroom. "What about me?!" He called out. "And you too!!" I called from his bathroom. I laughed. God I loved his shower....

I striped and stepped into his gloreous shower. I wonder how many women had been in his shower....I bet he told them he loved them too. They probably felt special too. Until he dumped them....would he do the same thing to me? Shut up leonna! Wtf is wrong with you? He wouldn't do that to you stop worrying about stuff that you shouldn't be worrying about! God I hate it when I do that. I've just had so many people break my heart, it just is to fucking much. I'm surprised I'm still alive right now. Well I don't want to worry about that now...I'm in this mans shower, naked, and I should be happy! And I am. I just worry to fucking much. I lathered down in his good ass shampoo that smelled like heaven on him. Damn! He smelled so fucking good. After all that, I jumped out and put on some clothes I left over here the other day. A pair of tight jeans, and a spaghetti strap shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and looked at myself in his bathroom mirror. I looked at all my faults. I wasn't perfect, not at the least bit. There was something that made him like me. I didn't exactly know what it was yet. My hair wasnt gorgeous. Neither was my face. My body wasn't in shape like an athlete's or anything....my boobs were a pretty good size. I wore a 38B. My butt was okay, I guess. I had scars on my thighs. I never wore shorts because I was afraid of people being able to see them. My arms didn't have any cuts on them b/c I knew if my parents ever found out, they'd kill me. But I was a grown woman now. 18. I could do what I wanted, but I've always cut my thighs....
My hair was black and it had a pink streak in the front. A green streak beside it, and a blue streak behind the green. I looked pretty okay for someone who liked emo people, but I just wanted him. Only him....

I stopped looking at myself and I crawled on top of the bed. I took out my phone and looked at my messages. He texted me.

Hey baby

I smiled at the text. He always made me smile.

Hey honey. Wyd?

He replied back instantly.

I'm at work baby. Hbu.

Just got done with my amazing shower

I laughed to myself.

Mmmm. Did you enjoy it?

Like always. Lol.

I'm glad u did. I love you.

I love you too baby

I'm gonna tie you to the bed and do watever I want to with u tonight. Will u enjoy that more than you're shower?

I bit my lip and smiled when I texted the next part.

I don't know. That shower is pretty damn good.....

Ohhh well then I'll have to do better than the shower then. Won't I baby?

I guess you will.

Lol. Well I'll text u back leonna. I love you. And I can't wait for tonight.....

I threw my head back and laughed.

XD I love you too. And u better make the sex good.

XD I will baby. I promise. The shower don't stand a chance

I turned my phone off and giggled one more time. He loved me. I really knew he did. I sighed and put my phone on the side table. I pulled the sheets up over my head and thought of his most favorite song of mine 'Tainted Love' I replayed the song over and over again in my head until I feel into a deep sleep. Thinking of all the good times I've had with him....

Yay!! Chapter one is done!!!
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Plzzzz share!! I want my book to go to hundreds of people. And I want to show people that singers and actors can fall in love with everyday people. So plz share and vote! Thx!

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