Morning, Sweety

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Hehehehe. That's Sam's picture above❤️ hope you like him. That's my babydaddy. Most of you will probably know him. Most of you probably won't. It's sad if you don't know this man.


Sam's P.O.V.

I looked at leonna's sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful but yet so hurt. Her legs was wrapped around mine in a loving manner and her hands were under her chin. Her lips were open barely an inch and her perfect eyelashes fluttered in her sleep. Her soft breath blew on my face and I smiled. My hand cupped her cheek and I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. Her soft lips moved along with mine. I felt her hand spiral up under my shirt and on the flat of my back. My hand on her cheek moved to her neck as we pulled each other closer. A soft moan came from her mouth as our tongues danced with one another.

It's been nearly a month and a half since Willow died. She's gotten better but she has not fully recovered. We've only had sex once and that happened to be last night. It was amazing. I will never forget our sweet love making. What a delight it was for me to hear the sweet moans that escaped her lips. And how she lightly gnawed at my lip when we kissed. I loved when she placed loving kisses down my stomach and chest leaving me breathless and full of love. She made my head spin when she pulled at my hair whenever I touched her. Her breathless laugh as I kissed her all over. Our hearts beating the exact same. Her loving words still rang in my ears. Our hands touching already discovered places. Breathlessly letting the "I love you's" fall out as we kissed and made love. Her blushing whenever I rubbed my fingertips over her thighs.

She looked into my eyes when our kiss broke away. "I love you, Sam." She whispered to me. I smiled. "And I love you too." I whispered back. I gently rubbed my thumb over her pink, swollen lips. "Last night was amazing." She whispered as I continued rubbing her bottom lip. I smirked. "Wanna do it again?" Her lips quirked up at the sides of her mouth. She bit my thumb softly then let it go. "Nope."
She whispered popping the "P". I frowned and she smiled. I kissed her fiercely, jumping on top of her. I let my hands go anywhere and everywhere. A low moan came from her mouth. I felt her soft hands curl up my six pack and onto my chest. She took her nails and slowly clawed her way back down to my V-line. I threw my head back and loudly moaned. Her long nails made an indention in my skin. Her hands felt around my body. She gripped my muscles and slowly rubbed her hands up to my neck. I ground into her pelvis as her hands went into my hair and lightly pulled at the little strands.

We both had our underwear on and her bra was fully intact, pushing her extra large boobs up. After we laid breathless beside one another, we got up and got ready for our shower. The shower helped a lot with all my tensed muscles. Leonna just randomly washed her hair with her back turned to me. Her hair all up in a ball as she intwined her fingers through it. Oh yeah. She colored her hair again. She colored it a nice blonde. Like the first time I met her.

I washed my hair as well and we got out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and Leonna went into the bedroom to change. I watched as she walked out, her butt swaying from side to side. I bit my lip and smiled as I looked at the ground. I loved her more than life itself. I wished she loved me just as much.


Leonna's P.O.V.

I put on my clothes feeling a little bit nasty. Why did I feel nasty? Sex wasn't nasty for say, just different now I guess. I slipped on my yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt. It was really getting cold. Marilyn hasn't texted me in a month. I guess I was doing okay. But still his horrid words cut me deeper than any knife that I ever cut myself with. Who could've thought that three tiny little words could cause someone to die worse than a shotgun would. I hated those three little words. Three words I could never say. Three words that tasted bitter in my mouth. Three words that hurt worse than a third degree burn. I'd rather die than hear those three words come out of his mouth again. The three words that I'll never say. Never.

I went downstairs to get me something to eat. I opened the refrigerator and got out some eggs and started to cook them. I heard a loud pair of feet coming down the stairs and then I felt a pair of muscular arms grab me around my waist and hug me. "Ahh! Stop!!" I laughed smacking him hard with my spatula. "Ouch!" He cried out and let me go. He grabbed his arm and wailed out a cry of pain. "Oh shut it, Sam." I snickered and flipped the almost burnt egg in the pan. I turned around and looked at his now really red arm. I gasped. "Oh my goodness, baby! I'm so sorry." I touched his arm lightly and he laughed at me. "Naw I was just playing." He wrapped me in a big hug, trapping me. I screamed and laughed as I repeatedly hit him with the spatula. He kissed my neck and smiled. "My eggs are burning you dick face." I swatted him once more before I pulled away and flipped the eggs again. "I'm not letting you in the kitchen anymore, I swear." He whispered as he made his way to the refrigerator. I giggled at him and served his eggs to him. "That's the only good thing you're gonna be getting for a while because I'm thinking about getting a job..." His eyes looked at me. He closed the door of the refrigerator and say down in front of his eggs and started eating with his eyebrows still up. "A job...?" He said with his mouth full. I laughed and smacked him with the spatula across the head lightly.

He pointed at me and looked at me angrily. "You stop that!" I swatted him again and he started chasing me. I threw the spatula at him and ran up the stairs. I heard his feet coming up after me and a deep laughter as his fingertips grazed over my back, almost catching me. I screamed and ran into the bathroom, locking myself in. He pounded on the door. We laughed through the door. "Come on out, Darlin'." He whispered. "No! You are insane! Leave me allooonnee!!!" I banged the door making him most likely jump back.

The door knob wiggled and he laughed again. "You know I have a key right?" He put his hand on the door and whispered. "It would be easier if you just opened the door." The words rolled off his tongue like licorice. He was teasing me with his stupid, sexy voice again. "No. I might be crazy, but I'm not stupid." He busted out laughing through the other side of the door. Then it stopped. I heard his footsteps going down the stairs and listened for a while.

I slowly unlocked the door. I bit my lip with a smile and poked my head out of the doorway. Nobody was there. He must've went downstairs. I tiptoed into the hallway and looked around then out of nowhere arms picked me up if the ground and into his perfect body, choking me to death. "Ahh!!!! Sammy no!!! Haha stop it!" He started tickling me and he took me to our bedroom.

He threw me on the bed and I snickered. He got on top of me and grabbed a fistful of my hair as he began kissing my lips like a freaking starving animal. I pulled on his neck pulling him closer to my body. Heat boiled and drizzled between us. I felt Sam's hand slither down to my hips as he began to caress the sensitive skin in between both my hip bones. "Sam god dammit you're killing me." I moaned out as his swollen lips kissed my neck. "How did this turn sexual exactly?" I panted out as he kissed lower down to my chest. I pulled at the hem of his t-shirt. "Take this off." I whispered in his ear. He sat up instantly and pulled the thin shirt over his head and on the floor.

His lips came back in contact with mine as he kicked off his pants too. Was we having sex again? He reached over and pulled a condom out of his dresser drawer. I put a hand on his chest as he started to slide in on. "Hold on. I don't think we should-" his junk rubbed up against me and I almost melted into him. "Ok never mind..." I whispered to myself. Before he sunk into me, he pulled off my shirt too, exposing me. You know what happened next. Me and him both panting and sweating. Doing the "do". Again.

His arms wrapped around me in bed. I was on my left side with him behind me. He placed his chin in the crook of my neck and kissed my shoulder long and hard. "I love you." He whispered. I closed my eyes. "I love you more." I whispered back. And this time, I think I really meant it...


Weird sex chapter sorry lol. Next chapter will hopefully be better.
And I'm kinda running outta ideas to go with the book. Anybody got any guesses?

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