Marry me?

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Song of the day-Deep six

Marilyn's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes with a beer in my right hand and a dark haired woman in my other. I didn't have pants or boxers on. Oh shit. The woman beside me was completely naked as well. No covers or anything. "Ah shit. I didn't." I muttered. I dropped the beer and put a hand to my head. A flashback happened.


"Hello?" Asked a sexy voice. "Hey baby. Did you miss daddy?" And I grinned evilly. Leonna was going to pay.

End flashback

"Nooooo..." I moaned. I slowly slipped out from underneath the chick I was with. I hurried and put some boxers on. God it smelled like ass in here. I got me some Lysol and sprayed my room down and sprayed a little bit on the dark haired chick too. I hurried and took a shower making sure I didn't smell like sex. After I got out of the shower I brushed my teeth like no tomorrow. "Shit shit shit." I muttered through brushing my teeth.

I ran back in my room to found her stretching in my bed. I mentally screamed. But tried to act cool. "H...hey" Damn. That didn't work. I scratched the back of my head. She walked up to me with a lazy grin. Once she got to me she rubbed her hands up and down my chest. "Last night was amazing baby." She moaned. I made a disgusting face and turned away. She smelled horrible.

I coughed a little. I removed her hands. She gave me a confused look. "What-" I cut her off. "Last night was a mistake. Can we just pretend this didn't happen?" She widened her eyes then turned them into little slits staring at me with hate. "Pretend it didn't happen?! What the hell do you mean? You're the one that called me remember? I'm not just a sex toy you know?" I raised an eyebrow. "You sure?" She slapped me. My cheek stung but I kept my eyes on her. "Leave." I said with my deep mad voice. My eyes grew dark and my eyes turned to little bitty slits looking at her. She got a little scared but she got her clothes together and put them in quickly. "Don't think about calling me back." She muttered as she grabbed her purse and left. "Wouldn't think of it." I muttered as I let myself fall back in the bed. "Fuck..." I rubbed my hand down my face. Leonna probably was somewhere else. She probably just...damn it I don't know. She's fine. I know she didn't cheat on me.


Leonna's P.O.V.

I cheated on Marilyn. Shit. What was I going to do? I had my leg wrapped around Sam's. And my hand was curled in his hair. His body was kind of on top of mine and his arm flung on top of me and on the other side of the bed. We were both naked and wrapped in the covers in a weird angle. I tired pushing him off but he didn't budge. "Sam." I whispered lowly. "Ssaaammmyyy." I said while poking him. I sighed. "SAM!" He jumped up. "Ahh!! What?" After he got off me I was naked. "Ah!" I screamed and covered myself. He giggled. "You're beautiful. You know that?" He kissed my neck. "Stahhhpp!!!" I screamed/laughed.

He stopped and leaned over me, laying on his elbows. "What are you gonna do about Mr. Marilyn Manson?" He smirked. I sighed and closed my eyes. "To be honest, I don't have a clue." He touched my face. "Do you wanna be with me?" I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Sam, I don't-" he cut me off with a kiss. I sighed in the kiss. I pushed him away. "Sam." He kissed my neck instead. I tried pushing him off more. "Sammmm." I moaned. "No. I don't want you to say it. I love you. I want you. I don't want to let you go. I don't want that punk to have you. He doesn't deserve you." I closed my eyes and let my head fall back on the pillow.

I sighed "I love that punk though. And I don't deserve him either. The way I don't deserve you." He pulled my neck up and he was inches away from me. "Don't. Ever. Say. that. I don't deserve you. You're an amazing person. And I'm not. Anybody who has you is lucky. I can promise you that." I looked at his lips. They were so soft and sweet. But I had to let those perfect lips go. I breathed out a breath and closed my eyes tight. "I'm sorry." I whispered as I began to cry.

I held on to him tightly and brung him into a big hug. His arms  slipped around me and he hugged me even tighter. "I love you so much." He said. And he broke down. His body was on top of mine and I could feel he had the shakes. I held his head close to my collarbone. "It'll be okay, Sam." I said as I cried too. "No. No it's not. You're going to be gone and then I'll have no one. You were mine. And I missed that. I can't just let you go. I love you." He picked his head up and kissed me. My eyebrows furrowed. Tears stained my eyes. I didn't want to let him go either, but I knew deep down I still loved Marilyn with all my heart.

I tried not to kiss back but I couldn't help but give into his loving lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled on his hair and he moaned. He pulled back and said, "don't let me go...please." This reminded me of when Marilyn broke up with me. I had begged him not to do that. But he did it anyway. I knew how much pain I went through with that breakup. I didn't want to do Sam the same way. But I had too...

"Sam...I..I love you deeply, but...this can't go on anymore. I'm sorry. I have to go." I slipped out of bed and put my clothes on. He fumbled to put his boxers on. " wait." He said. He grabbed my arm slightly. "Don't go." His lip quivered. "Please..." I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked into his dark eyes. "This isn't forever Sam. I will come back. Maybe a week from now. Or a year. Or five years." My lips started to shake as well. "But this isn't goodbye. Okay?" He nodded. I slowly got on my tippy toes and kissed him. Dang he was so tall.

His arms came around my waist. "Don't go." I squeezed my eyes shut. "I have to." I had no other choice. I pulled away from him and went out of his bedroom. My heart belonged with Marilyn. I couldn't just give that up. He was my rock. I don't care how much hurt he put on me, I still loved him with everything I had. I couldn't just let that slip away. I heard Sam starting to cry. I squeezed my eyes shut. I hated hearing him cry. My lips trembled and tears spilled from my eyes. I opened the front door and walked out. I breathed in a breath. "It's okay. You're doing the right thing." Is what I should have said. "I can't do this. This isn't right." Is what I really said.

I ran to back to Sam. "Sam, I love you I can't leave you." I hugged him tight and he hugged me back, leaning on me. He cried into my shoulder as we held onto each other for dear life. "I...I love you..." He mumbled into my shoulder. "I love you so much, baby." I told him back. I shushed his crying and I took him to bed. I crawled in bed with him. "I shouldn't have let this happen. I knew it would." I sighed and wrapped my legs around him. His eyes were puffy. "I'm sorry I should have never let you go in the first place...this was all my fault." I rubbed his face. "No, baby, it wasn't. It was Marilyn's. If he hadn't have come to my house and told me all kinds of stuff then we would still be together right now. We'd be happy." He smiled. "You think?" I nodded. "I know." He touched my face and rubbed it. Then his eyebrows furrowed and he looked straight into my eyes. And he asked me the most surprising question ever...
"Marry me?"


How do you feel about Sam and Leonna getting married????
Will she say yes or will she leave Sam with a broken heart and go back to Marilyn?
Comment what you think.
And thank you for staying and reading my book^^
Love you guys

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