Too tired to care

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Hehehe changed up the Point Of Views today😘 Hope you enjoy Sam and Marilyn's POV


Song of the day-"Rock and roll nigga

Sam's P.O.V.

After I dropped Leonna at the coffee shop I drove into the closest parking lot. I took out my phone and waited for her to text or call me when she got ready. A few minutes, maybe 5 or 10, I saw Marilyn come stomping out of the shop. Tears pouring down his red face. Oh no. I thought. This isn't going to be pretty.

A few minutes later she called me.
"You can come pick me up now." She sounded like she's been crying her lungs out. I felt so sorry for her. "Are you crying?" I asked trying to have a soothing voice. She sighed and said, "No. No I'm fine I just want to go home now." I heard her sniffle. "Okay. I'll be there in a few." She sighed once again. "Okay Sammy." And we hung up.

I pulled up to the door and went inside. I saw her sitting in a chair with her head on the table. I studied her for a while. I hated seeing her like this. I missed Leonna. My Leonna. The beautiful, wise girl. The girl that knew what she wanted. The woman that felt for me more than anyone else. The parent. The lover. The sweet, generous girl that I loved. Still love.

I walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Leonna." I said in a soft voice. "Let's go home." She picked her head up and automatically wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed into my shoulder. I tightly wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I smelled her nice hair and ran my hands through it. "It's gonna be okay." She nodded her head in response. "Okay?" I lifted her chin up and I kissed her. She fell into my kiss as if she hadn't kissed someone in ages. Her grip tightened on my neck and I felt her body relax. "I love you..." She whispered into my lips. "It was always you." She hugged me again and I took her outside.

I opened the car door for her and she sat down and looked through the window. I noticed how she still put her hand to her stomach from time to time. It's only been a week. She can't get over it in just a week. I got in on the other side of the car and started to drive off. Our trip back home was quiet until I asked her something. "What did he say about Willow?" I saw her breathe in a breath and look out the window on her side. I guess she didn't want to talk about it. But I had to know. "Baby, you can tell me. It's what I'm here for." I took her hand and smiled at her. She returned her signature smile back at me. Then it disappeared. "He told me he hated me..." Her eyebrows furrowed up and I could've swore I saw a hint of hurt in her eyes. "He doesn't hate you. He's just mad and hurt and he just accidentally killed Willow. It'll take time. But one thing I know for a fact is that that man does not hate you. If anything he loves you more than you love him." I looked into her eyes for a long time. She turned back towards the window and sighed. "But I love you too." I said in a girly voice and squeezed her hand. She giggled and that made me smile more. I haven't seen her smile in a while. Her smile always lit up my day.

I pulled into her driveway and I helped her inside. She looked so depressed and deprived. I hated this so much. I tried everything in my power to help her, but I guess that wasn't enough. She needed him. And I couldn't give her that. They really thought that was their child. They had a bond that no one else had. I couldn't give her that either. She says she loves me, but I know it will always be him. Always and a day. I know she loves me but she loves him more. I truly wish she could be happy. But I know she won't be happy with me.


Marilyn's P.O.V.

I stomped on the gas in my car. I hated that bitch. How could she lie to me like that? My speed increased as I thought more about the subject. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel. That baby...that baby was my world. I loved Leonna of course, but that baby just made me love her even more. I couldn't think of my life without her. Willow. Willow is what she named her. Such a beautiful name. But I killed her. My baby won't even know who we are. I don't care what they say. That was my baby. I was there the whole time with Leonna. Not Sam. Me. I'm the one that helped her.

I drive into my house and nearly ran over the garage door. I got out and slammed the door. I tried putting my key into the lock of my house but my hands kept trembling and I couldn't see through my teary eyes. I rammed my fist on my door over and over and over again. I yelled and screamed having a stupid temper tantrum like a kid. "I killed my baby..." I whispered as I cried. I ran my sore hand down the door and started crying more. " baby. I'm so sorry." I whispered ever so quietly. I put my key correctly into the door and walked into the house. I skimmed my eyes around the house. It didn't feel right without Leonna in it.

I walked up the stairs dragging my feet along with me. I stepped into my bedroom and switched on the lights. My bed was still a mess from this morning. I stripped my clothes and went to the bathroom. I turned on my shower and waited for it to heat up. I sighed and looked into my mirror. The face that I saw, I didn't even recognize. I turned my head and looked at the stubble on my face. I ran a hand over my unshaved face. I sighed again and looked down at the sink. I felt my eyes begin to tear. I hated crying. It makes me feel weak. Like I'm powerless. I don't feel like the "almighty AntiChrist" when I cry.

I stepped into my fantastic shower and let the water hit my back. It felt good to let off some steam in the shower. I could always cry in here. The shower was kind of the best place to cry. Nobody could hear you. You are all by your self. Nobody can judge you. You felt like you could cry for hours. It felt...good.

After my long crying sob moment in the shower I curled up in my bed wearing only my boxers. I wrapped the covers around myself and curled into a tiny ball. I wish I could sleep forever but I knew sleep couldn't possibly fix the hurt and pain that I went through day by day. My phone dinged on my bed side table. I looked at the screen and saw I had a text message.

Leonna: Marilyn. I am truly sorry. Please please don't be mad at me. I..I need you. Just as much as you need me. I know you don't hate me. I know that, because you can't. So please. Let's just be friends. Okay?

I didn't want to be just friends. She didn't get that. I put my phone back on my dresser and rolled over on my side. I snuggled into my covers, not yet washed. I smelled the blanket. Nice and deep. It still had leonna's smell. My eyes rolled back as the wonderful smell filled my lungs and sprouted flowers deep in my stomach. I sniffed it one more time before my senses got high on the smell of her and I went to sleep.


Wow. That last part really sounded freaking creepy. Welp I think I should go to bed now. Wrote this for all my lovelies❤️
And I'm hoping to see 1k in the next week💕

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