Hard decisions

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Song(s) of the day-The Dope Show/Putting holes in happiness

Leonna's P.O.V.

"Marry me?" Sam asked. My eyes went wide as his words sunk into me. Marriage? No. I've never thought about it before, even with Marilyn. I'm way to young. To naïve. It...it just wouldn't work. I'm only 19. That's a big commitment to make to someone. I knew I loved Sam, but not to this extent. Marriage was a huge deal. Once you're in...you're in for life. There's no going back. Of course you can divorce them, but that's just wrong. I'd rather find the right person, when I'm older and can make bigger decisions like that, to marry.

I stepped back and removed his arms from around me. "Sam, I-" he cut me off. "No. Just...just think about it. You don't have to give me an answer now." I squeezed my eyes shut. "Please..." He whispered. I nodded after a little thought. "I'll...I'll think about it." I opened my eyes and saw he had stopped crying. His eyes were pleading. It kinda made me want to cry. I still didn't know about the whole marriage thing though.

"Can we just...go to bed for now? I'm still kind of tired from last night. Is that okay?" I hoped he'd just forget about it. I don't know. He put his hand on the side of my face and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "Yes, baby. I understand. Get all the rest you need, okay?" I nodded and held his hand. He took me to bed with him and we lay side by side. My hand still in his. "I love you, leelee." He whispered. I sighed. "I know." I whispered back.


Marilyn's P.O.V.

Oh no. I can't believe I cheated on her. She's gonna leave me. God, why am I so stupid?! She still isn't back yet. What if she already knows? I started biting my nails. Ohhhhhh dear....
I'm in big trouble. I love her so much. Why would I cheat on her?

I got out my phone and called her. I paced around while the phone rang and rang. Voicemail. "Dang it!" I muttered. I pounded my fist on the wall. I called again. "Please...please answer.." I but my lip an it went to voicemail again. "Aghhhhh!!!!" I threw a punch at the wall next to me and cried. I pulled my arm back and fell to the floor crying like a baby. "What did I do?" I asked myself quietly. I wrapped my arms around myself as I started to shrink into a little ball of nothingness.

I tried calling again. After a few rings, someone finally answered. "Hello?..." Asked a gruffy, man voice. "Uh...is Leonna there?" The man sighed. "No, she's in the shower. Want me to give her a message or something?" I was mad as all get out. "Yeah, tell her to get her ass home." And with that I hung up.

So she did cheat on me. Wonderful.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Haven't had any wifi lately and stuff's been going on so yeah. But here you go. And srry it's so short. I'll make it up. Hopefully.

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