Doctors and babies

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Well, Marilyn had to end up taking me to the hospital anyway. I threw up twice this morning and three to six times after that. I refused to go, but Marilyn drug me anyway. Damn how much I hate hospitals.

We had to wait in there for two hours before someone finally got to see me. The nurse asked me some questions and told me I could see the doctor in a little bit. Another forty or fifty minutes later Doctor Harris came in. "So, miss leonna. What's been going on?" I got mad.
"You came in here to just ask me what is going on?" I slapped my hands to my thighs. "You've got to be kidding me." Marilyn out his arms around me. "It's okay." I pushed him off again. "Stop touching me." I hissed through my teeth. The doctor cleared his throat. "Ma'am, please just answer the question." I pursed my lips. "Hmm." I said and looked away. Marilyn sighed. "She's been throwing up a lot and-" I groaned. "Oh God, don't say it." I put a hand to my stomach. Hearing the word just made me wanna barf.

The doctor asked some more questions, most of them I refused to answer, some I just answered and got done with it. But one question caught me off guard. The doctor looked at his little board thingy and looked back up at me. "Do you think that you may be pregnant?" He asks carefully. I gasped. "No I'm not fucking pregnant you dick face! Why would you ask that you piece of-" Marilyn's hand came down on my mouth. "No leonna. Just answer the question calmly." I bit his hand. "How the hell do you expect me to answer this calmly?!" I took a breath. "Fuck." I muttered. I looked back up at the doctor. "No. I don't think I'm pregnant." He scribbled something down on a sheet of paper. "Well. You've gotta take a pregnancy test for us." I jumped up and almost body slammed his ass, but Marilyn caught me and pulled me back. "Leonna! Calm the fuck down." His harsh tone hurt my ears. I nodded and sat down. The doctor fixed his jacket and left out the door.

After I took the pregnant test I sat down in the waiting room again. This time I held Marilyn's hand. I cried on his shoulder. "I don't wanna be pregnant. I'm to young." He held my face. His eyes started to tear as well.  "I've always wanted a kid to call my own, but I would never force you to get pregnant just because of my selfish ways. I promise." I nodded. "Maybe one day...." I said lowly. I shook my head. "That's if I'm not pregnant now." He slid his hand off my face and ran his fingers through my hair. "But if you are, we would take care of it. Nurture it. Love it. Protect it. Care for it. But all kinds of cute little baby clothes." We laughed. "Yeah. It wouldn't be so bad." I snuggled close to him. I closed my eyes and thought of our, maybe, little baby to be. He or she would be so cute and soft. All pink or all blue. It didn't really matter.

Thirty minutes later a nurse came in the waiting room. She walked up to us with one of those board thingys too. Me and Marilyn stood up. She had a straight face. Showing no emotion whatsoever. I bit my lip. She looked at her board and said. "The results came up negative. You are not pregnant." I sighed a bit of relief but mentally cried at the thought of not having a wonderful baby to hold on to. "But," the nurse said. "The doctor prescribed you some pain relievers and some antibiotics. You only have the stomach flu. And it seems to be going around. So young man," she leaned close to him. "Don't get to close." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Thank you." I said sarcastically.

We walked to the elevator and went to the bottom floor. A woman holding a baby was with her husband waiting in the waiting room. The baby was wrapped In a little pink blanket and held close to her mothers chest. The mother was Patting the baby and rocking in her  in her non-rockable chair.  The sight was so gorgeous to look away from. Marilyn snapped his fingers in the front of my face. And I was brought back to reality. "Huh?" I said. "You dazed out. Are you okay?" I nodded and looked back at the baby. "Let's just go." I grabbed his hand and walked with him to the car. And on the rest of the drive home, we were quiet.

Ok. How did you like it???
I wanted her to be pregnant but changed my mind. I'm actually glad I did though. lol.

Thank you very much for reading and I hope you have a great day!!
And please vote and comment. Thx

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