Cutters dream

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Last night was like a dream. A bad dream that people never what to go to sleep to see. A cutters dream. He drove me home. Yes, I did actually have a home. I had saved money over time and got me a house. Marilyn helped me with it too. It as a gorgeous place. Two bedroom. Two bath. Wonderfully made. I loved it. But I loved Marilyn's house better. I always love whatever he has.

When he took me home he got out of the car with me. "I'm sorry leonna. I hope you understand. I'm doing this for the sake of you and others." He walked towards me. I looked deep into his eyes. I smiled. "Of course I understand. You do what you always do. You look after me. Even if it's not like you want it to be. You make sacrifices for the people you love. Even if it's putting you out of the picture." I looked at the ground. It was still dark, but it was almost morning.

He lifted my chin up and smiled. "You know I love you, right?" I smirked. "Yeah...I know." I stepped back and looked at the ground again. "Um. Thanks for taking me home. I appreciate it." I bit my lip and turned around to go into the house. "W...wait." He said quickly. I turned around and he looked as if he was going to cry again. "If you...if you need anything. Give me a...give me a call, okay?" I gave him a half smile and nodded. I waved and turned around to the house. I lifted my head up and smiled. "I'll be okay..." I whispered and got my keys out of my purse and went into the house. Just as I was about to close the door I looked back around to see that he was still standing in his place. Watching as I went in. I smiled and waved one more time. He waved back and walked to his car. "I love you too." I whispered and closed the door.


Marilyn's P.O.V.

I walked back to my car and drove off. God, I hoped she'd be okay. I stomped my foot to the pedal. I was already going 80 mph. But I didn't care. Why did I always push people away? I guess I just can't handle love....I don't know what it is.

My pace increased. 98 mph. Fuck I need to slow down. I lifted my foot off the pedal just a little bit. I'll get myself killed if I keep driving like this.

I drove into my driveway and unlocked my door. I walked in and everything was spick and span. I sat down on the couch and thought about what I just did. I broke up with the love of my life. I broke up with my soulmate. My light. My joy.

I cursed and threw my keys on the coffee table. "DAMN IT! FUCK!" I cried and feel to my knees. Tears poured down my face. I hit the ground with my fist over and over. I laid my body down on the freshly vacuumed floor and cried. My fist clenched and my teeth gnashed together. I felt like I was dying. How could I have been so selfish? But I knew I did the right thing. I'll get over this. She will too. We'll be fine.


I'm so sorry this is a short chapter. I'll make it up to u promise^^

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