Exciting Birthday

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A few months later

It was my birthday. I was 20. I went to Ruby Tuesdays with Sam. I tried to be happy and calm, but things didn't work out as I planned them to be. This was the month my baby was supposed to be delivered. My ninth month. But my baby wasn't here and neither was Marilyn. I hated putting Sam through all that he went through. Sam didn't deserve me, he deserved someone perfect. He needed someone that could make him happy. I can't make him happy. Never can, never will. I heard on the news Marilyn Manson was supposed to be flying to Atlanta, Georgia for the weekend. Seeing his face on the television screen still hurt, it hurt knowing that he would never love me again no matter how hard I tried. He hated me, and he made it known.

After Sam drove us back home we curled up in bed and I turned off the light. Growing up sucked. I felt old and weak all the damn time. My back faced Sam's front and he rested his head in the crook of my neck and kissed it. I felt his hands travel down my back and to my ass. He gave it a squeeze before rubbing down to the inside of my thigh. He started kissing down my shoulder and to my arm. I groaned, not out of sexual release, but out of tiredness. "Sam, not right now." I shrugged him off and turned over on my stomach. I heard him sigh then he touched his lips to my head and turned around and went to sleep.

After a few more of his snores, my eyes popped open. I had a really bad idea, but I still wanted to do it. I climbed out of bed, making sure not to wake up Sam. I put on a pair of my black yoga pants and a long sleeved shirt. I slipped on my jacket and got my car keys along with the keys to Marilyn's house.

I slowly shut the door of my car and cranked it up. I sat there for a second, thinking if this was the right thing to do. He won't be there anyway. He's in Atlanta right about now. I got my pack of cigarettes from under the seat and lit one up. Slowly I brought the cigarette to my lips and inhaled the addictive smoke. I breathed out the beautiful smoke and watched it disappear into thin air. I smoked 5 more until I was absolutely choking on it in the car. I let the window down and flicked the last cigarette that I smoked outside.

I sighed and closed my eyes for two seconds then I pulled out of the driveway and started driving to Marilyn's house. All the baby clothes that me and Marilyn bought was still at his house. I wanted to feel them. I wanted something that reminded me of the past. I needed it.

It took about an hour to get to Marilyn's house from where we lived now. It was only 9:17 so it wasn't that late. I pulled into his empty driveway and got out of the car. I looked at the tall two story house. It looked different, I don't know how, but it had an off feel to it. I walked up to the door and stuck my key into the lock. It opens and I walked inside the dark house. I feel for the light switch and flip it on. I close the door behind me and look around. It looked fine. Perfectly 100% fine. The only thing that actually caught my eye, was the hot pink thong just laying on the couch. I skimmed my eyes past it and started walking upstairs. The room to his bedroom was open so I just walked inside.

His room looked an absolute mess. The bed sheets strayed all over the bed. In the corner stood a large canvas covered in various colors of abstract and weird shapes. His paints lined in a row with paint splattered everywhere. I touched the some-what dried paint on the canvas, running my forefinger over the bumps and grooves of his art work. His drawings and paintings were absolutely breathtaking.

I sat down on his bed, used to be our bed, and ran my hands over the indention of his pillow. I smelled the pillow, and it smelled like his shampoo mixed with some kind of different scent that was not his own. I started making his bed. Why I was doing this, I have no idea. I put all the sheets he had neat and orderly on the bed and folded the top of the sheets down. I took my hand and rubbed the sheets down, making sure no crevasses were in the sheets. I cleaned his room. Folding his clean clothes and putting them either in the closet or in his dressers, then taking the dirty ones and washing them. I cleaned every minor or major thing in the room. All from picking up broken beer bottles to cleaning his bathtub and bathroom.

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