Another smoke

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I woke up with his arms around my waist. My arm stung with severe pain. My cuts were almost completely healed but that didn't mean they didn't hurt like a bitch. I slowly put his arm back to himself and got out of bed. I looked in my purse and got my pack of cigarettes out. I got my lighter out and silently walked outside. I took one out and put it between my lips. I flicked the lighter open and lighted it up and bring it to the butt of the cigarette. I breathed in a huge breath of smoke. Shit, this felt fantastic. I removed it and slowly breathed out again. I laid my head on the side of the house. I seen that my hair was getting a nasty color change. I needed to color my hair again. Maybe red or brown this time. Or neon pink.... Just a thought. I took another puff and felt as the smoke filled my lungs and went out again. Damn I haven't smoked in what seemed like forever. Fuck it was cold out here. I wrapped my arms around myself and breathed out a chilled breath. I closed my eyes and filled my lungs with more fantastic chemicals.

After two cigarettes I went back inside and got me something to drink. I went back to the bedroom to find a sleeping Marilyn hogging up my side of the bed. I smiled and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed through my untamed hair. After that, I went back to bed. I curled up on my side and got out my phone. I had a new message. Wow. Someone actually texted me. Oh no. It was Sam.

Him: Baby I miss you and I'm sorry about what happened a few months ago. I know how much trouble you was going through and I shouldn't have been a dick about it. I was being selfish. Leonna, I miss you. I love you so much. And I never should have left. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I want you back. I miss you. I miss us. Please don't say no. Just have a coffee with me today or something. I can't stand letting you go.

I turned off my phone and closed my eyes. This is some for real bullshit. I laid my head on the headboard and I felt another sting in my arm. "Ah shit!" I hissed through my teeth. Them cigarettes didn't seem to help today. I sat upright and grabbed my arm. Right then Marilyn hopped up. "Baby, are you okay? What hurts?" Damn, he was so worried about everything. "Nothing. Just my arm. I'll be fine." I sighed. He sniffed the air. "Is that...cigarettes I smell?" My eyes popped open. "Uhhh....yeah?" I said. Marilyn looked pretty shocked. "I thought you stopped smoking." He said. "Well, my arm was stinging like a motherfucker so I smoked one or two and that's it. No biggy." Marilyn nodded. "Okay." I popped up a little bit. "And guess who texted me today?" He gave me a confused look. "Sam did. He texted me saying he loved me and missed me and he was a huge dick about leaving me and that we should get a coffee today." Marilyn's face was blood red. "You're not going to are you?" After I didn't answer for a little while he said, "you've got to be kidding me! After what he did to you?" He grabbed my arm. "Ahhh!!" I hissed and pulled my stinging arm back. I looked up at him and gave him my death glare. "Well you know what? You did it to me too. I would've took you back. Fuck, I did take you back!" He got out of bed and slipped his pants on. "Where are you going?" I demanded. He turned to look at me. "Aren't you going on your little coffee date with what's his face?" My face boiled and I got mad. "No the fuck I'm not. I didn't say I was. You just concluded that I was! I just don't know what to say to the sack of shit. Damn I want another cigarette!" I jumped out of bed and went for my pack of cigarettes when Marilyn pushed me up against the wall. His lips were so close to mine. His hand went to my neck as the other laid on my waist. His soft green eyes poured into mine an I felt like I just fell in love with him all over again. "Marilyn-" he shut me off with a kiss. This was a passionate kiss. A kiss nobody would ever forget. A kiss people always dreamed of. A kiss that you could do for hours and it only feel like a minute. A kiss, so sensitive and wonderful, it could take your breath away. We slowly pulled back. My eyes were still closed. His hands never left there place. And I could feel his breath on my face. I then slowly opened my eyes to see his green ones staring at me. "Damn It, I love you." He whispered. I sighed and said, "I love you more."

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