Story of my goddamn life

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I got a text the next day from my ex boyfriend

Hey baby

I gasped.

What the fuck do you want Michael?

I miss you and I want you back.  Please take me back baby. I'm nothing without you. I love you. I know I can be a jerk at times, but I've been going to therapy and my therapist says I should try and fix what I did and try to make things right. I love you and I want to be with you again.

Michael....I can't. I have a boyfriend. And he actually loves me. And he doesn't hit me or put me down like you did. I almost killed myself because of you and everything else that was going on!! Give me one goddamn reason why I shouldn't go to your house and kick you in the balls.

Because I love you

Bullshit. You never loved me and even if you did you didn't show it to well.

I was stupid baby. I..I'm sorry

Don't. Call. Me. Baby. And don't text me again. Ever.

I turned my phone off and threw it. Fuck him. Fuck his lies. Fuck everything. I began to cry. "Why the shit does this have to happen? Trying to have a good life and my effin ex texts me. Damn him..." I sigh. I just can't wait until Marilyn gets home. I wanna kiss him. I miss his lips on mine. I miss his soft touch. I miss his hands on me. I miss his lovely voice in my ear. I miss everything. I miss feeling safer around him. I miss his green eyes. I just miss him. And that's all that mattered to me. Him.


Marilyn's P.O.V.

I miss leonna. She's killing me. She's my drug. I can't Stand not being around her. I just have to work all the time. It's so hard to have to work and keep my attention on her all the time. She's just so unstable. She's like a ticking time bomb ready to explode whenever something goes wrong. Like me going off to get her a surprise birthday present. She totally looked like she'd be stressed. I wish she would just let loose. Get out of her comfort zone, which isn't that big. I just wish she wasn't so tense all the time. I love seeing her personality. She's a great girl, but I'm just afraid she'll get to attached. And I can't have a all the time relationship, especially not with a girl like her. Don't get me wrong she's great and I love her so much, but she's just to much for me and kind of work that I have, she just has to go... God damn I hate to do this. But I have no other choice. I have to break up with her. For her own good....


Wow. Okay. That was intense. Wasn't expecting that at all.....
And sorry it was so short. I haven't updated in a few weeks b/c of various reasons so I decided to whip something up for all of you. Your welcome.
Hope u all liked and enjoyed it!!!

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