I have no purpose

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Yeah, you guessed it, we had sex. For the fifth time that day. We never picked out a dress though....we didn't go anywhere either. We just had tons of sex. And sara accidentally called me during the third time we had sex. She laughed her ass off when she found out we were doing that. I couldn't stop laughing, because she laughs so weird. But its cute. I loved sara, we used to go to school together. Looong time ago. We still keep in touch and we see each other. Go to the mall. Hot topic. Park. Everywhere. Marilyn kinda liked her to, I think. I never can tell if he's faking it or if he really likes people. I don't really care if he likes her or not though, it's his opinion. And that's all that matters.

It was morning when we got up from our sex filled bed. He took a shower first cause he had to go somewhere with twiggy. He didn't want me to distract him, he said. I just  laughed and let him take his shower. When he got out and got dressed he kissed me goodbye and I got into the shower myself. I blared music from my phone. I'm not okay (I promise) came on first. Oh my god I loved MCR (my chemical romance is what that says for those of you who don't know what that stands for...shame on you if you don't)
I sang along to at least 15,000 songs before the water got cold, and I had to get out.

I dried myself off and got some clothes on. Actually I just put a long shirt of his that went to my mid thigh. Not to much trouble I guess. I walked up to his big mirror, and put my hair up in a messy bun. My thighs stung with pain. I rubbed them gently and inhaled a sharp breath as I did so. Damn it hurt so bad. I stopped rubbing and looked down at my scars and cuts. Its weird how they pop out more once you get out of the shower. I looked at the words I'd clawed into my skin. Stupid, fat, ugly, freak, emo, etc. So many vertical and horizontal lines covered my thighs. I never ever could wear shorts again. My legs were like 50 shades of scars. Not a pretty sight. But every scar and cut had its purpose. I remember the deepest ones, and the not so deepest ones. Most of them were sooo big, and some were really small. Different shapes and sizes. None of them were worth it...I shouldn't have hurt my self over something stupid. Way to many suicide attempts to count on one hand. People just kept hurting me and breaking me to a point where I just couldn't take it anymore.
But enough about that. I jumped into the bed and laid my head down on the pillow. I closed my eyes and dreamed and didn't wake til the next morning.

Its really short, but I couldn't come up with anything else so yeah.... Vote and comment anyway!! Thx

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