Baby Shopping Time

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Marilyn took us to the mall and we went straight to the baby department. We smiled as we made our way in. "This is so weird. I never would have guessed I would be in here at such a young age..." I laughed and put a hand to my stomach. He held my hand and we walked to the little boys section. People looked weirdly at us. They looked at Marilyn more than me though. He was a punk rock star, wearing makeup, wearing weird clothes, and with someone like me. Someone "normal" so they think.

But I ignored them and looked through all the cute little baby clothes. "Awwweee." I said and took one off the hanger. I showed it to Marilyn. He laughed. "That's cute." It said, Daddy's little Rocker on the front. It had little guitars and drums with it on the front as well. "I want it." I whined and pouted. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Get anything you want, baby." I smiled. "Yay." I gasped and looked at the rack behind Marilyn. I saw a baby nirvana onesie. I ran over to it and grabbed it up. "Oh. My. God. Marilyn. Look." He laughed and put an arm around my waist. "You like it baby?" I nodded my head fast. He kissed the side of my head and smiled. "It's cute."

A woman came by and said, "can I help you with something? Looking for someone a baby present?" I shook my head. "No thanks. I'm just looking." I smiled at her and turned back to the baby nirvana onesie. "That one was my favorite as well." She said and smiled. "If you need anything just tell me." She walked off.
An hour or two later Marilyn and I had three huge bags in each of our hands and more. We walked out of the baby store laughing at stuff that we bought.

"Wanna go home now?" He asked. I shook my head. "I wanna get ice cream." I made a puppy face at Marilyn and he laughed his butt off. "Okay, princess. Ice cream it is." He rubbed my hair. I smiled real big. "And French fries!" He chuckled. "And French fries..." He kissed the side of my head and we drove to Wendy's to get a Frosty. I loved those suckers. After he ordered them, he gave me mine. I ordered a medium one this time. And a large fry. I dipped my French fries in my ice cream and ate it. "Oh. My. Goooddddd!!!!!" I whispered/screamed. He looked at me weird and smiled. "What is it with pregnant women and ice cream with French fries?" He shook his head and laughed. "Want anything else?" I nodded. "Taco Bell." He raised an eyebrow. "Taco...Bell?" I nodded my head fiercely. "You know I love Taco Bell." He laughed so hard.

At Taco Bell he got me a 5 layer burrito and a pack of quesadillas. I ate all of them and my stomach started to hurt. "I don't think I should have ate that. It didn't much like me. But I liked it...." I whistled in pain and put a hand to my tummy. He tried not to laugh and put a hand over his mouth. I hit him in the arm. "Shut up.." I laughed. "Are you ready to go home now, princess?" I nodded. "Yeah. I wanna take a nap...."

He drove home and we went in the house. Marilyn brought in the baby shopping bags and sat them down beside the bed. I changed my clothes and curled up in bed. Marilyn did the same and he put an arm around my waist. "I want to kiss you." He whispered to me. I bit my lip. "I want to kiss you too." His hand caressed my face and he leaned in slowly towards my lips. I was breathing hard. I put my hand on his neck and pulled him a little. I pulled my neck up too.

Our lips finally met. We stayed there for a moment; our mouths shut. Then his tongue entered my mouth and I let him explore. I missed his soft, loving touch. His hand slid around to my back and he pulled me towards him. I arched my back and kissed him deeply. I turned my head to the side and he moaned as I pulled at hair. I missed him. "I love you..." He moaned in my mouth. I smiled. "I love you too..." He kissed I between my boobs. "Fuck..." He moaned. He rubbed my stomach and he pulled my shirt up. He tried to unhook my bra but I stopped him. "Baby, no." I whispered.

He gave me a pouty face and I grabbed his neck and I pulled him up towards me. "Just hold me." I whispered to him. He nodded and he laid down beside me. I hopped on top of him and laid down on his body. He rubbed my hair down with his hand and he put his other hand on my bare back. "Goodnight, baby..." He whispered to me. I hummed in pleasure and went to sleep.


It took me forever to write this. And it's so short. Like df? Ughhhh this story is getting harder. But I'll deal. Byeeee

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