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Song(s) of the day-rock and roll nigga/coma white

I opened the door and quietly walked inside. I slowly closed the door behind me and turned on the lights to the kitchen. I walked up the stairs, being extremely careful not to make loud noises. A sharp pain went through my stomach and I grabbed onto the railing and inhaled a sharp intake of breath. I put my hand to my stomach and continued walking up the stairs.

What was I going to say to him? Why did this have to be so hard? Why did I have to be pregnant? Why did I have to love two guys? Why the hell am I asking so many questions?!? Uggghhhh!!!!

I pulled up my tank top so my boobs wasn't popping out and I opened the door to his bedroom. I saw his body on the soft mattress. I walked over to him and sat down. I looked at his loving face and almost fell in love again. No. You love Marilyn. You're doing the right thing. Just do this and get over with it.

I nudged him a little bit on the arm. "Sammy...Baby, wake up. I'm home." I said in a sweet tone. "Come on, Sam. Wake up." I was getting impatient. After a few more times, I finally just shoved him hard in the chest and said, "For Christ sakes, Sam. Wake the hell up!" He jumped awake. "What?! What?!" He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "Oh. Hey baby. What's wrong?" I sighed. "We need to talk..."

He got up and put his boxers on an we walked down to the living room. He sat down and I sat down next to him. I put my hand on top of his. "Sam, I...I can't marry you. I've been doing some thinking...and...I don't think this is best for us." He was mad. Really mad. "And why the hell isn't this good for us?" He snatched his hand away from mine. "Because...I...I.." I don't think I can do this....
"What? Spit it out. Is it that Marilyn guy or something? Did he put some shit in your head again? Or is it me? Did I do something wrong? Tell me what the hell it is, because clearly I can't see it." Heat boiled in my cheeks. "No. It's not Marilyn's fault. None of this is. And it's not yours!! Stop being a bitch!" He got up and yelled at me. "WELL WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I stood up and said, "IM. FUCKING. PREGNANT. OKAY?!" His face softened and he touched my arm. I yanked away from him. "Are you happy now? This isn't your fault. This isn't Marilyn's fault. This is my fault. I'm not marrying you because I don't want too. I'm not marrying you, because..." I stopped. "Never mind. I have to go."

I began to walk away but he softly caught my arm and pulled me back. "Wait...who's is it?" He asked quietly. "I...I don't know." I bit my lip and sighed. "I don't care. I still want to be with you. If you're not marrying me because of the baby, then I don't care if it's mine or not. It doesn't matter to me. I love you and whosever child that is growing inside you." He wrapped his arms around me. "I don't care if it's that good for nothing guys kid out there. What does it matter? He could never love you like I can." He pulled my chin up with two fingers. "Say yes, and I'll take care of you and her or him. Forever. You don't have to worry about me walking out on you or cheating on you. I'm not with 3 thousand women all the time like bucko out there is. I'm loyal. Please, please just marry me." His eyes begged and I hated it. He made this so difficult for me. Why couldn't he just yell at me more and make me run off crying? That's what I wanted. I think...

"Sam...I love you too. But I love Marilyn more. And I can't just throw that away. I feel a connection with him like nobody would ever know. And when he touches me, I feel...electricity." I laughed and a tear rolled down my cheek. "And even when he's mad at me, which is most of the time, he always treats me with kindness and...and love...he's just so wonderful in sooo many ways. And when he kisses me...." I sighed in happiness. "It's like a thousand feelings go through me at one time. I can't concentrate on anything but him. My world lights up when I'm around him. I...I couldn't ask for anything more...." His hands dropped from around me. "I know..." He whispered. "I've always known I never had a chance with you. You loved him. You gave your heart to him, and no matter how much he hurt you, you always ran back to him. I...I don't know why. But I think...I think you just love him too much. And I'm willing to let you go because of it." He sighed.

He turned to walk away, but walked back to me once more. He grabbed my neck and pulled me forward and he kissed me. I let him have this one kiss, for I knew I'd never talk to him again. I hated having to do this, but I had no choice. We pulled away and he rubbed my face and looked me in the eyes one more lingering time....then he let me go.

My tears grew heavier as he walked away. "I.." I called out. "I love you..." I called as my tears flew down my face. He slightly turned and whispered. "No you don't..." And he walked back out of the house and left. I put a hand to my mouth and I crumpled down on the floor. I cried out in hurt and pain. I did love Sam. And it hurt so much to let him go. This was for real. Not just something random. This was forever. We'd never see or talk to each other again. And I hated the thought of it. Sam helped me when nobody else would and he was there for me when Marilyn wasn't. And I just let him walk out his own house and leave.

I wiped my tears and sat there for a while. I brung my knees to my chest and rocked myself. I tried breathing steady breaths. Finally I got my self control back and I got up. I wiped my tears and started to walk out the door. I turned once more to look at the house where I had so many good memories at and I smiled. "Goodbye..." I whispered and I went out the door, back to the car.

Intense moments be like.....
Bout to be close to the end of the book😟😞😣😩😫😖
But not that close. Lol. Hope you liked and enjoyed!
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