Happy Birthday to a lonely me....

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Well, when I woke up, Marilyn was gone. Yeah, it really sucked ass. I just woke up and flung my arm to the side, and when I felt he wasn't there, I popped open my eyes and looked at the empty side of his bed. The sheets were messed up, and I just sat up in bed, thinking of where he could've gone.

But now I'm here. In his living room. I've cleaned his house, literally, until you couldnt tell anyone lived here. I cleaned his room. I cleaned the living room. The kitchen. Washed his clothes. Cleaned the bathroom. Took a shower. And got me something to eat. All between 6 O'Clock am to 12 O'Clock pm. Cleaning for seven hours, and still bored as fuck. Its been at least 3 hours since I've eat, so I'll fix me something up.

I looked in his refrigerator, and seen nothing but milk, eggs, and a whole lot of other shit that I really didn't want. So I took the phone and called dominos pizza and ordered a mushroom, pepperoni, and ham pizza. Oh my God, I loved mushrooms. They were life. I sat on his black leather couch, and flipped through channels on his 80' flat screen t.v. "Damn. There is nothing on." I muttered to myself. Oh yeah, and I completely forgot. Today was my birthday. April 5th. 19 years old. Two dead parents. Some suicidal thoughts. And a boyfriend that left me without a trace of what happened to him or where he went. Yep, my life was splendid. Something really important probably came up though. Stop worrying so goddamn much! But he could've told me....wrote me a letter for fucks sake! I facepalmed myself. "Shut up..." I said to myself. "Somebody probably called him at work! Anything could've happened! Stop worrying so much! Please! He loves you, leonna. He wouldn't hurt you..." The doorbell rang, pushing me out of my thoughts. "And now I'm fucking talking to myself. Great" I muttered.

I opened the door, and the pizza man smiled. He looked at a sheet of paper while holding the pizza in his left hand. "Pepperoni, ham, and mushroom pizza for a misses...Johnson?" He looked up at me smiling. "Yes. How much?" I said pulling out my wallet. "Free, for a lady that looks like you ma'am." I rose my eyebrows, and opened my mouth to protest. He raised up his hands and laughed. "I'm just kidding. $13.42." I got the money and gave it to him. He laughed and said, "You have really beautiful eyes." I smiled. "Thank you." He put the money in his pocket and handed me the freshly made pizza. I took it and was about to close the door, but he said "w...wait." I opened the door. "Yeah?" He put his hands in his pocket nervously, and looked at his feet. "Uhh....would...uh..You...you...like to go...go...um..." He scratched his head. I looked at him with a confused look. "Would you like to go out with me?" He finally said really fast. My eyebrows shot up. "Oh...um. Actually..I.." He put his hands up. "No. It's fine. You don't have to if you don't want to." I laughed a little nervously. "Actually." I started again. "I have a boyfriend. And...this is his house." I raised my hand and slapped it back down on my thigh. "I'm really sorry. But I would have. Really. You seem like a nice guy." He frowned and said, "Oh...Okay. It's fine. I get it." I looked at him sadly. "I-" I began, but Marilyn drove up in his car. My face was probably red, I was so mad. "I've got to go. I'm sorry. Thanks for the pizza." I said and slammed the door. I probably hurt the poor guys feelings, but I was pissed as fuck.

I slammed the pizza down on the coffee table. Damn him. I thought to myself. Its my fucking birthday and he couldnt have stayed and wished me happy birthday before he had gone?! Or..or left a note. Did he even remember? And after what I told him last night, he still left without a trace? Am I just that pathetic? "No!" I screamed at myself. I threw my hands in the air. "Well what else is it? If a guy just leaves out of nowhere to go somewhere else, and just leaves you, shouldn't there be a fucking reason?!" I leaned my head against the wall and a tear ran down my cheek. "No. No. No. No." I said to myself. "Don't do this to yourself, leonna.... Please, please, please." I muttered over and over again. "You're okay. You're okay." The doorknob twisted. I jerked my head up and ran up the stairs to the bathroom.

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