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Song(s) of the day-putting holes in happiness/The Dope Show

Marilyn lay beside me with his hand on my tummy. The baby kicked every now and again. Me and Marilyn laughed as we talked about baby names to name our little baby to be.

"Noooo!!!" I laughed. "I'm not naming him Harold!" He threw his head back and laughed. I accidentally snorted. I covered my mouth and laughed. My side hurt so much. "I was thinking about willow, if it's a girl." He snarled his nose when I said it. "Willow? Like...the movie?" He laughed. "No! Just...willow." I laid my hand on top of Marilyn's and laid my head back down on the pillow. He smiled at me. "Whatever you want to name him or her is perfectly fine with me." He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"And...I was thinking about...Brian. For a boy." I didn't look at him, because I knew how much he hated that name. But I loved it. He gently pulled my chin up to meet his green eyes. "That's perfectly fine." He smiled and I mentally sighed in relief. He leaned down and kissed me. His soft lips departed from mine and gnawed at my jawline. He rubbed my stomach and lifted up my tank top. He looked at my rounding tummy and slowly kissed it. "Sweet, sweet baby." He said through his kisses. "I love both my little angels" he looked up at me and smiled.

I grabbed his neck and pulled him towards me. I pulled his face into my neck and he lay on top of me. His arms curled around me and he hugged me. "I love you, LeeLee..." I sighed. "I love you more Marilyn." I hugged him tighter to me. "Do you promise you won't leave me again?" I mumbled in his shirt as I held onto him for dear life. "I'll never leave you..." He said in my shirt.

I pulled back. "I have to tell Sam." His expression grew dark and he said, "you made me wait. Why can't you make fuckboy?" I got out from beneath him and put a hand to my stomach. "He needs to know, Marilyn. I'd tell you if it was the other way around." My back was towards him, but I could feel his intense stare on me. "Ok...what ever." He said as he got up an stood beside me. "Just know, I love you. Okay?" I gave him a concerned look but nodded. "I love you too." I said and rubbed his face. "But I have to go." He put a hand to my stomach and looked down at the little creature inside of me. He smiled. "Okay. Just...just be careful. Okay?" I nodded and smiled. I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him quickly. "Okay Marilyn." He worried to much. He smiled and let me go. "Are you sure you want to go on your own? You need me to drive you? I'll drive you." Thinking about it, I still couldn't drive anywhere and I didn't want to just call him and tell him I'm pregnant and not going to marry him. "Yeah. But you're staying in the car. Got me?" He nodded and took me to the car and we drive to Sam's house.

I told him where to drive and he drove into his driveway. He turned the car off and he sat there and looked at me. "Aren't you going to go?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. I'm just trying to think of what I'm going to say." I sighed. "This is so complicated..." I put my hand on my tummy and closed my eyes. "Are you going to be okay? Are you sure you don't-" I cut him off. "Shhhh. The baby's kicking...." I spread my fingers along my stomach and smiled.

After I got out of the car, I walked up to the house and gently opened the door. This was going to be really hard....

Sorry it's so short, and I hope you liked it. Vote comment share!!!
Thanks love ya😜😂❤️❤️😘

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