Coming back together

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Song of the day-The Nobodies

I walked back to the car and got in. Sam already had left so I was just left with Marilyn. "So..." He said. "How'd it go?" I gave him a sharp look. "How do you think it went?" He raised up his hands in defense. "Hey...I was just asking, okay? Didn't mean nothing by it." I sighed and looked out the window. "I just wanna go home." He put his hand on top of mine. "Okay. We'll go home." He started the car and we drove back to his house.

At his house he opened my car door and he tried to carry me out, but I snatched myself away from him and jogged to the house. I hurriedly opened the door and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. I got down on my knees and threw up in the toilet. I heard a pair of footsteps come from behind me. He slowly started to rub my back. "Baby, are you okay?" He whispered to me. I wiggled my back to get his hand off of me. "No." I snapped. I threw up again and I mentally died. My nose started bleeding all of a sudden. He crouched down quickly and said, "oh shit. What's wrong? You're bleeding. Is that normal?" He was shaking a little bit.

I sat down on the bathroom floor. "Yeah..." I said as I wiped the blood from my nose with some toilet paper. "It happens sometimes..." I pressed the napkin into my nose and looked at the floor. "Are you sure?" He said quietly. I jerked my eyes up to his. "Yes, Marilyn, I'm fucking sure! I've threw up so many times and my nose has bled, and bled, and bled. Even when I wasn't pregnant. I know if it's normal if not. I went to the doctor about it! So don't doubt what I fucking know and what I fucking don't!!" His eyebrows furrowed. "Just because your mad at Sam doesn't mean you have to take it out on me." His expression was very angry and I kind of guessed mine was too. "Well it's your fault! I'd still be with Sam if it wasn't for you! You fought him in the hospital! You lied to me and told me he said he never wanted to see my face again. And why? Because you was that damn jealous?" He looked at me with shocking eyes. "He told you?" I made a retarded face. "Well, yeah he fucking told me. If you love someone then you don't lie to them. You fight for them." I withdrew the napkin from my nose. "I'd still be with Sam. I'd be married to him right now. And this," I said pointing to my stomach. "Would be his." I snapped. I got off the floor and threw the toilet paper away.

I walked over to the bed and sat down. He came in behind me and sat in front of me. "Well if you feel that way then just run back to him like you always do." I could have slapped him right then and there but I didn't. "Do you know why I left Sam in the first place?" I said in a stupid tone. "Because. I. Loved. Youuuuu. " I said. Then I whispered. "Dumbass..."

I let my head fall back on the pillow and I put a hand to my stomach. The baby kicked it's little feet inside me. I smiled through the pain and said, "I left for you. I left for this baby. Because I know it's yours." His hand found there way to my tummy. He laid down beside me and rubbed my tummy. "We're going shopping for baby clothes tomorrow. Okay?" He said and smiled. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Okay." I whispered. I'm glad we're coming back together.


It was confusing.
They was fighting.
Then they wasn't.
Then they was.
Then they wasn't.
It was weird.
I guess I'm kinda out of it today but whatever. 
Hope u liked it

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