Stupid Motherhood

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The next day I woke up with Marilyn's hand still on my stomach from yesterday. We must've fell asleep without knowing it. Marilyn kept thinking of baby names, because he apparently didn't like the names I chose. He said Sara for a girl and Alice for a guy. "Like Alice cooper?" I said and laughed. He laughed and said, "yeah. Why not? We're tight." We laughed.

I tried getting out of bed, but Marilyn's hand slid down to my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked at him and his eyes were still closed. I took my finger and touched his soft lips. I outlined them and I moved over to his hair. I grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled very lightly on it. I absolutely loved his hair. I turned on my right side to look at him more. The baby kicked and I inhaled/screamed and put a hand on my stomach. Marilyn's eyes fluttered and then they popped open. "Are you okay? Is it Alice?" I chuckled. "No. It's Brian." He laughed and put his hand on my stomach the baby kicked his hand. He smiled. "He'll be okay..." I said as I put my hand on top of his. His eyes lifted up to mine. His lips departed. I gazed at them and I was lost in my train of thought. I took my other hand and touched his lips again.

"You like them?" He said and snickered. My eyes met his again. I removed my hand and looked down. His mouth came down and nibbled at my ear. "You're so perfect..." He whispered in my ear. He rubbed my hair and pushed me on my pillow. Slowly. He got on top of me but didn't put his body on mine. He leaned on his elbows and looked into my eyes. "You are my version of perfection. Your hair. Your eyes. Your mouth," he paused as his eyes skipped to my lips. He leaned down closer to me but instead of kissing me, he quickly leaned up and kissed my forehead. He jumped off me and went to his closet. "Now get dressed. It's baby shopping time." I giggled. "You're such a tease..." I said as I slowly got up. "Can you help me take a shower? I feel kind of woosy..." I said as I grabbed the headboard so I wouldn't fall. He grinned and neared me.

"Noooo. None of that! None of that!" He frowned and then shrugged. "You're lose." He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. I knew I had been gaining weight lately but I never would have guessed I was pregnant. I'm already a month pregnant. Wow. I didn't know I was pregnant for a whole month. I kinda feel bad. So after we took a shower I put on my black jeans and a black spaghetti strap shirt on. Since I felt cold I put my leather jacket on and my combat boots. I applied my dark red lipstick and put my spiked choker on. "Ready?" I said and turned around. He turned around and his eyes popped open. "You look wonderful. But...I thought you dropped the weird emo look away?" I shrugged. "I guess I'm bringing it back." I said and twisted myself back on my heels and went for the door.

Marilyn caught my arm. "Are you sure you should go baby shopping in that?" I looked down at myself. I groaned and stripped in front of him. I threw my choker on the bed along with my jacket and combat boots. I took off my jeans and slipped some yoga pants on and my regular shoes. I kept my spaghetti strap shirt on. I took a paper towel and rubbed the dark lipstick off and applied some cherry flavored Chapstick on instead. I turned around again and said, "better?" He looked a little stunned but grabbed my arm and said, "yes. Now you look like a mother." I groaned. "Don't even say that. I'm not mother material." He looked at me sharply. "Yes you are. You'll be a great mother. Don't say that." He pulled me to him and he hugged me. We pulled back and he smiled. "Ready to go shopping for Alice?" I laughed. "Yeah. I'm ready to go shopping for Brain." We laughed and got in the car and drove to the mall.


Srry it's short but I've typed so much that my thumbs hurt so yeah. Hope you liked.

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