Girls, Clubs, and Stressed Men

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Song of the day-Tainted Love

Leonna's P.O.V.

It's 10:39 and we're at the club dancing our asses off. I was between a girl, who I was grinding my front into, and Sam, who I was grinding my ass into. The girl I was grinding into was pretty. She had long blonde hair and a short ass dress on. You could kind of tell she didn't have any underwear on because when she bent down you could see everything. And Damn it if it didn't turn me on. The girl turned around and kissed me. I was a little surprised but gave in to the kiss anyway. I put my hands in her hair and pulled her closer and she had her hands on my waist. We pulled back for air and she whispered to me, "I like you." I giggled. "Yeah, your pretty nice yourself." I could feel Sam getting hard from behind me. Perfect weapon then came on by black veil brides. We both smiled. "I LOVE THIS SONG!!" We both yelled over the music. She kisses me again as we swung our body in a sexual manner. This club wasn't really dark for say. It was a light blue with a dark, kind of light, to it. It was difficult to explain, but it drove me crazy. I loved it. I pulled back from the kiss and yelled, "WANNA GET A DRINK?!" She nodded and I motioned Sam to come with us. I held both there hands as we walked to the bar.

She talked first. "Uhhh...I want a martini." I said I would have Vodka and Sam just wanted a beer. We want back out in the dance floor and headbanged with our glasses up. And we sure didn't give a fuck. The song changed to demons by Get Scared(favorite band ever) and I screamed!!! "Yassssss!!!!" Me and the sexy girl kissed again. We smiled in the kiss. Her arms went around my neck and I put mine around hers. We danced and danced and danced. We danced until she said she had to go home. I caught her and pulled her to me and kissed her one more time. "Wait what's your name?" I asked her. "Georgia. Yours?" I waited. "Leonna..." Her eyes popped open. "Wow. I love that. It's unique. And very beautiful. Like you." I blushed. "Well, can I get your number?" I looked for a pen. "You gotta pen?" I asked Sam. He got one off the bar. "Voilà." He said handing me the pen. I smiled and winked at him. Then I turned back and wrote my number on her hand and wrote my name underneath. "Okay... there." I smiled. She smiled back and kissed me quick. "I'll call you." She winked and went off.

I turned around with my mouth open to Sam. He laughed. "Did you see that?!?! She wanted my number!!!! Ahhhh!!" I hugged him and he jumped. "Calm down there lassie." He patted me. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Tonight was great. I really missed this." He smiled. "I did too." I bit my lip and asked. "Can I kiss you now?" He looked a little taken back, but thought in it for a minute. "What about that Marilyn guy?" I smiled. "That Marilyn guy doesn't matter to me." I rubbed his chest. " bout it?" He bit his lip and started to lean into me. His finger went to my belt loop and pulled me to him. "Sam-" he cut me off with a kiss. Damn it I missed his kisses.


Marilyn's P.O.V.

Damn it where the fuck is she? I looked at my clock again. 12:57. Where is she? What if she's dead? Oh my god. She might just have went somewhere. But where? I thought on it for a second, pacing back and forth. "Sam..." I said aloud. I clenched my fist. "SAM!" I punched the wall and ran outside. I got my keys and drove off.

I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I couldn't stay there. I had to leave. I was pissed. She had most likely been with that guy all day. I pounded my fist on the stirring wheel. "Damn it!" I yelled. My foot stomped on the pedal. I finally Called someone I haven't called in a long time.

The phone rung a few times then someone finally answered. "Hello?" Said a sexy voice. "Hey baby. Did you miss Daddy?" I evilly grinned. Leonna was going to pay....

Oh no....
I just fucked everything up didn't I?
Yeahhhh. I did.
Well watever. Vote and comment on what you think. Okay. Thanks!

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