A little toooo drunk?

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When we got to the club, there was a bright neon sign on the front of the black painted building named "Neon Lights"
I looked at him. "You come here all the time?" He smiled. "Only when I'm ready for some freaky shit. But be warned." He took my chin in his hands and made me look at him. "Don't take any drugs anybody gives you. Okay?" I nodded my head. "Ok. I promise."

We walk up to a door. Marilyn knocks on it, and a man opens the door. "Name?" He asks. "Manson." The man noddeds and looks at me. "And the girl?" Marilyn fixes his tie and says, "my date." As if saying 'who else dumbass, my sister?' I mentally laugh to myself. The man steps aside and we walk in. You could hear death metal playing from the outside of the door, but when you step in, its like it swollows you whole. Music is blaring from every direction. Lights everywhere. Tons of people dancing on the dance floor, looking lit and drunk to death. People were making out in the dark corners of the room. I saw one man put his hands in a chick bra, and another sliding his hands up a girls legs. I looked around the bar and I saw a woman flirting with a man, and the bartender put something in the woman's drink and handing it to her with a smile, and acting like nothing happened.

The band on the stage screamed there lungs out and marilyn grabbed my hand and took me to a little corner. He slightly shoved me against the wall and kissed me harshly. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He grabbed my leg and hacked it up to his waist. I could feel him getting harder every second that went by. His hands slid down my breast and he kissed me on my neck. "Fuck" I moaned ever so slightly. I pulled his hair as he kissed me. He put his head on mine, and we breathed heavy breaths. "Let's get a drink." He says lowly. All I can do is nod. We remove ourselves from our last position and go towards the bar. "Marilyn!" The bartender calls out, his arms wide. "Long time no see buddy!" Marilyn smiles. "Hey bro. What you and the misses been doin lately?" The bartenders smile gets wider. "Aww nothing much. Just a baby on the way." Marilyn's mouth makes an 'O'. "Wow dude! I'm proud! Congrats!" He bows and then looks at me. "And what beauty do you have here tonight my friend?" I blush and smile. Marilyn grabs my waist and pulls me closer. "This beautiful creature, is my girlfriend. Leonna." The bartender takes my hand and kisses it. "Very wonderful to meet you my lady." I blush again and say thank you. "Now what will you be having?" I looked at Marilyn then back at the bartender. "Whatever he's having." I said trying to be cool. Marilyn said "the regular." The bartender nodded and round up two drinks that had a weird purple look to it. I took the glass and sniffed it. "What's in it?" I asked. He drunk his and said "you don't wanna know...just try It." I was cautious but drunk it down in one gulp. "Shiiittt" I screamed over the music. Marilyn laugh. "Good isn't it?" I sat my glass down and said. "Hell yeah!" I waved at the bartender. "Yes?" He asked. "Give me another please!" He poured the purplely liquid into my glass and in Marilyn's. We drank both of ours at the same time. "Dance?!" He yelled over the music. "Yeah!" I screamed and nodded. He took my hand and we made our way through all the sweaty people dancing there hearts out. We stood in the middle and my most favorite song came on. 'Buried alive' by get scared. I head banged and danced along to the music. "LET ME DDDIIIEEE!!!!!" I screamed along. Marilyn laughed at me, and sang along. "And we will take this to our grave!!!!!! Tonight you came to me with scratching eyes and blood shot dreams!! Now-" I was cut off by his like crashing down on mine. My glass slipped from my hand that I was holding, and I grabbed his neck. I rubbed my hands up and down his body, "I want you so bad marilyn." I said in his ear. I think he heard me because he groaned and pushed me up against the nearest wall.

I gasped and his lips crashed down on mine once more. My legs immediately wrapped around his waist. My dress slid up and in that moment I didn't care what he did to me right in front of everybody. My hands were all in his hair messing it up in many different ways than one. Another song came on by Joel faviere. 'Be my heart I lack' my favorite song ever. I pushed him away and yelled, "THATS MY SONG MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!! YEAH!!! SING THAT SHIT!!" Marilyn and I laughed our asses off. We we're so fucking drunk it was pathic. Neon lights surrounded me. Flooding my vision. I hopped off Marilyn and he said he was gonna go to the bathroom . I danced with a lot of other people that was sexy asf.

Then out of nowhere a guy grabbed me and said, "hey gorgeous." I smiled a drunken smile and said, "hey handsome." His hands caught around my waist. "How about me and you go somewhere quiet" he leaned down and bit my ear. I smiled and thought about it. "Hehe" I said in a little girls voice. "What would we do then? Read?" He chuckled lowly in my ear. "We would do a whoolllee lot more than read, baby" he kissed my cheek and my jaw. He Kissed down to my neck and to my sweet spot. I moaned and pulled him closer. Wait. I thought to myself.  No. You know this is wrong. I pushed the guy away. "N..no.." I said wobbling in my heels. "I..have a...a...a..boy *hiccup* friend..." I put a hand on his shoulder to keep me stable. "S..shit..." I said falling. The guy caught me and said. "I think you're way to drunk, baby. Come on, come home with me. I'll make sure you have a good time." He pushed me against the wall and slid his hands up the inner parts of my thighs. I pushed his hands away. "N.noo..ok.." I started heading back out on thape dance floor. But then
He caught me, and pushed me on the wall again, grabbing my boobs. "Aw come on baby. I know you want me..." I groaned and pushed him off me. "Du..de...no..oo! Marilyn!!" I screamed. The guy out his hand over my mouth and kissed me rough. He tasted like ass and things that was way to inappropriate to say. My eyes flew open and I tried pushing him off, but he wouldn't budge. I screamed and clawed him away. Marilyn came and grabbed the guy and turned him around and punched him hard in the nose. The guy fell to the ground, and marilyn started kicking the shit out of him. "No Marilyn!" I screamed. I pulled him away. He harshly threw me against the wall making me hit my head sharply. I screamed from the pain and touched my head. It was bleeding. "Marilyn..." I said lowly, looking at my bloody hand. He kicked and punched the guy some more, "MARILYN!!" I Screamed. He stopped in mid punch to look at my bloodied self. "Oh my god leonna..." He jumped off the guy and ran over to me and grabbed my bloody hand, "oh my god I'm sorry!" I noticed that the band stopped playing and everyone was crouded around where we were. He took out his phone and called 911.

30 minutes later an ambulance came and picked us up. I had a confusion and my head hurt really bad. The doctor gave me some pills and said I needed some rest. "Baby I'm so sorry. I just got so mad..."I stopped him. "Marilyn. Its okay. I love you, bby. And I know you would never hurt me." I touched his face. "But I did hurt you." I gave him a sharp look. "Not intensionally. You was just protecting me." He looked down, "but you still got hurt. By me." I hopped on top of him in bed, "I. Love. You. Trust me." I laid my head on his. He smiled and put his hands on my waist. "And I, you." He whispered. We laughed and kissed. I pulled back and said, "did I happen to tell you anything crazy when I was drunk?" He thought on it for a minute. "Nope." He said popping the 'P'. I didn't really believe him, but I said okay. Then we both cuddled close to one another and went to sleep.

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