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Dudes I'm so sorrrryyyyy. My life has been hell lately. So bare with me. I hope you remember about my poor book lol❤️ sorry it took forever and five days to finally do this chapter. One more chapter to go after this and we'll finally be done😍💖 I hope you all enjoy it and vote and comment on how it's goin'.💜😘

Song of the day- "Out of mind" by Tove Lo


        I woke up not knowing what to think. Was that really a dream? Did I dream all that? I sat up in his bed and noticed I was on the wrong side of the bed. I looked over and saw the other side of the bed was a total mess. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and looked again. It was still the same. I was wearing absolutely nothing. I covered myself and gasped. Marilyn walked in the room and I pulled the sheets higher up to my neck. "Wh-what happened?" He grinned at me. "What? You don't remember, kitten?" I looked around me. Did I really snort fucking cocaine? I mentally slapped myself. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!?!

  He climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around my waist. He tucked his face into my neck and I tensed up. He rubbed my arms and I pushed him off. I wrapped the sheet around myself as I stood up and I put some clothes on. "Kitten, what is it?" I gave him a death glare. "Don't 'kitten' me! Why the hell did you do that last night? Why did you..." I put my hand over my mouth and stopped a sob from coming. "Why did you make me do all that? How could you? I-I wasn't even me yesterday! I was crazy out of my mind and freaking used me!" I started crying. Horrible sobs came from me and I ran downstairs. He ran after me and tried to snatch my arm back. "Stop please." He pleaded. "Don't you dare tell me to stop. I needed you and you weren't there." I turned around to face him.

"You were never there! Why?!" I cried as I sunk to the ground. "I needed you so goddamn bad, but you weren't there! Why wasn't you there?" He looked at the ground. "Did you hurt yourself?" I slapped him. His eyes flew open and I stepped back. "No. I didn't. You're  not worth the scars on my wrist, Manson." He grit his teeth and I started for the door. He ran after me and slammed me into the door and turned me around to face him. He put his hands on the door on both sides of my face. "No. You don't get to fucking walk away from me." I lifted my face to meet his. "You walked away first." I spat at him. He searched my eyes with an angry look. "Well I'm here now." My eyebrows furrowed up. "Are you really?" His mouth connected with mine, and I pushed him off. His lips covered my neck. "Stop. I don't want this." I tried pushing him of again. He muttered, "well, you wanted it last night didn't you?" I shoved him off with a hard push. He fell backwards and his hair flipped over. "Don't ever fucking touch me again."

As I turned and touched the door handle, he yelled at me. "No! Wait! R-remember you're favorite song?" I turned my head a little and let my hand fall to my thigh. "W-what?" I mumbled. "Y-You're song. Elvis remember? You told me a long time ago you liked Elvis. I can't help falling in love with you. Remember?" My eyebrows furrowed and I turned to face him. "Take my hand," he started to sing. My mouth fell open. "Marilyn please don't. I'm gonna cry." But he still went on. "Take my whole life too." I gritted my teeth. "Stop!" I ran at him on the floor and jumped on top of him. I pounded on his chest. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Tears fell down my face as he continued to sing my most favorite, saddest song. "For I can't help," He grabbed my wrists and ran his thumb over my hands. I stopped and let him comfort me. Tears still came down my face and I nuzzled my face in his shirt. "Falling in" He whispered to me in my ear.

We were both on the floor. His hands holding my wrists and me crying from his soft, annoying voice. I hated him for leading me on. I hated him for everything. Why couldn't he stop? Why couldn't I stop? I looked up into his green eyes and he smiled at me. "No. I'm not doing this again. Not ever." I got up and brushed myself off. "That kind of respect is earned. Not given." I open the door and slammed it shut as I walked out. I ran to my car with tears in my eyes. I started up the engine and Marilyn came outside waving his arms at me. Tears filled his eyes and he put his hands on the top of the hood of my car. He was mouthing something I couldn't hear. "Don't go." His mouth said. I looked down at my lap and cried. "I'm sorry." I mouthed back as I looked at him. Tears and snot now made up my face. I wiped my nose and backed up out of the driveway.

He started to fall but he stood up again. I rolled down my window about an inch. "Marilyn, stop!" He put his hands on my car again. "Don't go. I-I can't do this again! Please!" I noticed people were outside there house now, staring at us. I shook my head and looked at him. "Leonna, Dammit, I love you! And after last night, you can't say you still don't feel nothing for me." He walked towards my window slowly, his hands tracing my car with his forefinger. He pressed his head against my door and looked at me. "Please don't go again..." He put his hand on my windshield and closed his eyes. "Stay."

I couldn't let his offer go. My lips trembled and my legs shook with nervousness. My fingers wouldn't even work as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. My gaze stayed on him the whole time; his closed eyes and his hand on my windshield. I sighed. I know what I have to do...

I stepped out of the car, making Marilyn jump away from the car door and look at me with pity in his eyes. "Marilyn-" I started but his arms automatically wrapped around my waist and he nuzzles his head into my neck. "I'm not letting you go again." He sniffed. "And I'm sure as hell not going again either." His hands tightened around me. I blinked a few times and then I wrapped my arms around him too. I stuffed my face into his shirt and cried. I was always the crier. Tears continued to fall as my clutch got tighter around him. "I love you." I whispered to him into his shirt. I didn't think he could hear it until, "I love you more..." Came from his lips and into my ears. Shaking my brain and filling my heart with a warmness that surrounded me whole. Wanting to hear those three wonderful words, I leapt on him and wrapped my legs around him right there. "I can't live without you. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Marry me?" He whispered into my ear as he held me close to him. My eyes widened and I pulled away from him.

A smile grew on my face and I kissed him hard on the lips. "Yes...God yes..." I whispered in mushed up words as our mouths collided and un-collided. I pulled away and looked into his fantastic green eyes. "When?" Was all that I could get out. He smiled and pressed his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes and kissed the tip of my nose. "Now." I giggled. "We couldn't possibly get married now! I don't have a dress and I don't have anything planned! I have to get my hair and makeup ready! And of course everyone will know about it in the tabloids. Do you want that kind of-" He cut me off with a hard, but passionate kiss. His hand came in contact with my hair and his fingers curled into the long blonde locks of curls in my hair. I smiled in the kiss and savored the moment, almost like it would be my last. "We're getting married now." He moaned in my mouth. "I love you to death, Leonna Johnson. Marry me now and I promise I'll treat you like a queen. I'll treat you like the only woman in the world. Please, please just be mine...forever and always..." He said breathlessly with his eyes closed. Tears tried to escape from my eyes in utter happiness. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again, smiling with tears coming down my face. "Yes, Marilyn. Of course." He, instantaneously, picked me up bride style and screamed, "I'M MARRYING THE BEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD!!" I laughed so hard and put a hand over my face. I forgot everyone had already came out of their houses to look at our...misunderstanding. The crowd clapped and smiled at us. This was a crazy fairy tale come true, and I was finally the princess becoming a queen. His queen.


Yea boiiii❤️😜 very sorry it was short but I swear the next chapter will be like 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 pages long❤️😂😘

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