Party time

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    A arm curled around my waist from under the covers where I slept. I opened my eyes and smiled. He jerked me around to face him and he kissed me fiercely. My eyes popped open. I pulled away and put a hand to my chest. "Damn it you scared the fuck out if me!" He laughed and said, "I wanted to surprise you with my famous sex kiss." He deep noise came from his throat as he crawled towards me. I put a hand on his neck and crawled towards him as well. Just as we was about to kiss, our lips so close, I asked, "wait, what time is it?" He moaned and said "really? What time is it?" He turned around and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He looked at it and put it back in his pocket. "5:32. Now can we please," he said sliding a finger down my face, "get back to where we were...." I bit my lip and said "of course. Let's see of the shower is any better..." His hand came down on my ass. I gasped and he snickered. His head slowly came down to mine. His lips ever so slightly touched mine, and an electric shock went through me. I pulled him closer to me and ground myself into him. He groaned and put his hands on my waist to steady me. We were both sitting with just our legs on the bed, the rest of us was upright, ground in each other. He pulled back and started kissing my neck. With each kiss he said, "I love you." His kisses got lower and my hormones grew higher. I ran my hands through his hair as he kissed and bit every part of my body. "I love you too." I said between a gasp. His hands made its way to the hem of my shirt. He pulled it over my head and tossed it to the side. He kissed between my boobs and down my stomach. I pulled him up and unbuttoned his shirt. I pulled his shirt opened and let my hands go down his chest and to his abs. I slid my hands back up to his shoulders and I slid the rest of the shirt off him, slowly, letting me feel every part of his arms. I tossed his shirt to the side too. He threw me on the bed, and put my arms over my head. He unbuckled his belt, and yanked them out of his pant loops. He took the belt and tied my hands with it. I bit my lip and moaned. He whispered in my ear, as he rubbed his hands up and down my body. "Am I better than the shower now, baby?" He bit my ear and I gasped again. My hands clenched into fist and I whispered "so far, so good, baby...." I said sarcastically. I laughed a little and he kissed me harshly, most likely to shut me up. I tried pulling my arms up, but he was fast as lightening and pushed them back down. He didn't even move his mouth from mine. He pulled back and said "Bad little cupcake." He slowly slid his hand down my arm, sending electricity through my body. I moaned at his soft touch. His hands crawled down to my jean pants. He opened the button, unzipped them, and looked me in the eyes, he was smiling. I smiled back. He pushed my pants off me and to the side, and He brought me to heaven and back with his tongue.
I loved it when we had sex. It was always different each time. Different positions, different feelings, different touch, but the love....the love was always the same. The only thing that never changed. And I loved it. I think he loved it too. I hope he did....

    After we had you know what, we took a shower, and got ready to go to the party. He always took me to the fanciest of places. I guess he loved me idk. I really hoped he did. Really really hoped he did. If he didn't he wasn't showing it. He told me he loved me, he showed me, he touched me like he loved me, he kissed me like he did. Guys are so complicated. Chicks are too, though. Everybody is just to damn difficult....
We hopped out of the shower, and I put on a knee length black dress. It was strapless and in the back, in a shape of a diamond, a tiny part of the back was out. It was really beautiful. He got it for me on my birthday. Ohhh I loved it. XD it kind of reminded me of the song "heart-shaped glasses" I laughed a little to myself. He looked at me and grinned, "what?" I put my hand over my mouth and giggled some more. I shook my head, "hehe, nothing." He picked me up out of nowhere, and threw me on the bathroom sink. His lips crashed onto mine. "I love it when you do that." He said. I smirked. "I know you do." I held his face in my hands for a few seconds, looking into his beautiful eyes. His lips twitched up and he said, "what are you looking at?" I smiled and said, "your beautiful eyes."  His eyebrows rose up. "You like my eyes now?" I laughed a little "I've always loved your eyes. Your birth given ones that is." I inched his face closer to mine. I laugh. "Te Amo❤" he laughs with me. "L'Amour fait mal" I said and winked. When he made a weird face saying he didn't understand what I said, I added, rolling my eyes, "It meant "love hurts" in French, Marilyn." He put a hand to his heart. I laughed. He wrapped an arm around my waist, "let's go to that party now, baby." I smiled and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. "Ok. Let's go."


Yay chapter 2! Hope u vote, comment, and share♥

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