To much crying

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Marilyn's P.O.V.

When I found out we weren't having a baby, I wanted to cry my eyes out. I've always wanted a baby. But I knew if she didn't want one, then I wasn't getting one. But that's okay with me. I'm 29 and she's just 19. She's to young and I'm too young, but I still want one. She's been crying about it a lot though. Like last night, I heard her cry. She curled up in a ball and cried herself to sleep. Every time I touched her she pushed me away. So I just gave up and listened to her stifling cries.

I loved her so much. She was my world. And I would love nothing more than to have a baby with her. And it would be good for the newspapers and politics. "Marilyn Manson finally having a baby...." -Head line cover.
I wanna make love to her right now, but she probably doesn't wanna. So I didn't touch her for the rest of the night.


Leonna's P.O.V.

Why isn't he touching me? I wanna be touched by him. I miss his touch. I want him to not think I'm pushing him away. Which I am, but I can't help it. I think I did want a baby. I thought it would be what I needed. What we needed. But it's complicated. I don't think he wants a baby. He's to wrapped up in his job. He's too young. And he doesn't want me to be the baby momma. I know that for a fact....

I cried more into my hands. Then I got up and went to the bathroom. I closed the door slightly. Or maybe it's just that I'm not good enough for kids. I'm mean, I cut myself. I smoke. I have a messed up past. I'm not stable. I'll flip just if anybody says something to me. I'm not a reliable person. I don't even love myself, so how could I possibly love something that came from me. I probably wouldn't be to good of a mother anyway. I didn't even know my mother for that long. I was always pushed from one family to another so I never even seen what motherly love looked or felt like. It's not really my fault. But I'm just glad I'm not pregnant for now. I'm way to young and unstable for that now. Maybe in a few years I'll have a baby with someone. Maybe Marilyn. I know how much he loves children and wants a baby.
And maybe one day, i might want one too.

Marilyn's P.O.V.

She went to the bathroom 35 minutes ago. What is she doing? I hope she's not hurting herself. Oh god. What if she is?

I got out of bed and looked at the little light shining from the bottom of the bathroom door. I slowly walked over to the door and slightly knocked. I heard the door unlock and it slowly opened. Maybe she isn't mad at me? She looked up at me with sad, puffy eyes that made me fall in love with her all over again.

I wrapped her in my arms and hugged her like no tomorrow. I heard her sniffle into my shoulder. It took her a little while, but she eventually wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm so sorry." I whispered in her ear. "For everything. I know I did this to you, and I'll make it up. I swear." I kissed the side of her head slowly. I felt her tears splash on my shoulder.

Then she said those words. Those three little words that I've been desperate to here. She hugged me closer and whispered, "I love you." I felt as her words sunk into my heart. My heart skipped at least five beats. I wanted to cry myself. "I've been waiting for you to say that." I chuckled. "And actually mean it." She didn't return my laugh, but gave me a shy grin. I wrapped her in my arms again and took her to bed. I laid her down on her side and curled up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I love you too."


Well that's done.  Yay.
Hope ya enjoyed!!!
Happy Mother's Day to all!!!!

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